Rooting Linux with a floppy

You have lost your root password on your linux box and now you consider formatting
everythign to regain control? Your admin is a moron that leaves the server available
physically for everybody? You wanna test your Linux box? Don’t worry if you have at least
a floppy rescue disk under hand,you can root it ;-) )

The problem with the new version of Linux since 6.2 is :

a)the shadow suit that is installed by default (masking the password in the shadow file)

b)the md5 encryption ( 34 characters vs 13 for standard DES) so it’s not as easy as it was
in teh previous versions i.e. to simply get the /etc/passwd file and running JtR against it
doesn’t work anymore.

What to do now? Follow the guide :

1- Boot with a rescue disk

2- type the appropriate key to get into rescue mode (ex.F4)

3- linux rescue (to get into this mode)

4- $ mknod /dev/hda (to create a virtual HD)

* * * N o t e * * *

If you have more than one partition on your HD, check which one is the Linux partition:

A- $ fdisk /dev/hda

B-( fdisk) : p (to show the current partitions) : m (for commands)

5- $ mknod /dev/hda2 ( create the partition2 device if you have a DOS partition as primary
partition for example)

6- $ mkdir /data (to create a virtual directory in the RAM drive)

7- $ mount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /data ( to mount the files in the virtual dir located in the
RAM drive)

8-$ cd /data/etc

9- $ chmod 700 /data/etc/shadow
or $ chmod u+w /data/etc/shadow ( to gain write access on the shadow file)

10-$ /data/bin/vi /data/etc/shadow (to edit the shadow file with VI editor)

11- type i to insert then remove the root password by positionning the cursor on the
characters and type the x key

12- type escape key then ” : ”

13- save the file with : wq!

At this point, everything you have done is in RAM and nothing is done on the HD so DON’T

14- $ cd / (to return back to /)

15- $ umount /data

16- $ init 0 (rebooting the system)

Now you can log in as root; there is no password protecting root anymore.

Take care everyone, Just1ce.


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