Amazon Cloud EC2 Free VPS Setup

First things first. When I say free I mean it’s free for a year. You will have to use the micro-instance, which is a 10gb HDD, 613mb ram and I quote
Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)
(Don’t ask me the mhz on that….) Its plenty fast enough for terminal use, VNC for a basic desktop, programming etc…. You will need a credit card and a cell phone. A visa gift card and a prepaid phone will work. Lets sign up. The signup process is pretty straight forward. They will call your cell phone to have you put in a pin number. If you do this wrong to many times you will be blocked from signing up for 24 hours. Once the sign up process is complete sign in and click the EC2 tab.
You may get pop ups that ask if you want to stop a script, click no, the AWS console can be a bit slow in loading. Click ‘Launch Instance’
The instances with gold stars are the free micro tier instances and the ones you should pick unless you want to pay. You can also browse under ‘Community AMIs’ for other distributions. Lets pick the ‘Basic 32 bit Amazon Linux AMI’. Click Select.
You can only have 1 instance at a time for the free setup and it can only be a micro-instance. Click ‘Continue’.
Place a check in the ‘Termination Protection’. Terminating an instance deletes the instance completely. The protection basically stops you from accidentally deleting it. On the next screen name your instance and ‘Continue’
The ‘Key Pair’ is the only way you will be able to SSH into your instance at the start. You can change your sshd config later so you dont have to keep the key around. You cannot download this key again so make sure you save it somewhere safe on this screen. Create a new key pair and select ‘Continue’.
A ‘security group’ is essentially the firewall configuration. Choose the default one. It will already have the ports open for SSH. Your new instances is now running and you can connect to it. For SSH connection instructions right click on your instance and select ‘Connect’. Make sure to change the password when you connect for the first time. Notes: ‘Elastic IPs’ on the left side of the console are essentially static IPs. I usually assign one to my instance so I dont have to remember the long hostname. Not all community AMI instances connect the same. Make sure to check the ‘Connect’ box for each instance for specific instructions. You can check for any charges to your card by clicking your name in the top right and select ‘Account Activity’ Let me know if you have any trouble or need extra help. reference :

10 fun ways to program (for beginners)

When most of us are just beginning to program we can become intimidated with language syntax and logic. It seems the only way to learn is paging through daunting 300 page books and trying to think of somehow applying this stuff in our own programs…
Well learning to program doesn’t have to be intimidating at all, it can be down right fun if you‘re truly passionate about the code you write. That’s exactly what this article’s here for, to give you ideas for great projects that will spark your passion and skyrocket your skills in the fastest time.

1. Don’t switch languages or learn two languages at once:
With so many programming languages out there and people raving as to which programming language is “best”, you might be tempted to change the one you’re studying every week or try to learn more than one at a time. Not only is this a bad idea but it can get boring fast! How fun can it be, never mastering a language and never creating programs like the one(s) in your dreams? Once you really start focusing on one language (though it may take months) you will come to a point were you have the capability to accomplish many programming tasks that you set your mind to; you will even understand the logic of programming and be able to apply it while learning another language. Just chillax and the skillz will come.

2. Have any hobbies other than programming?:
Perhaps you play chess, piano, or w/e. Creating programs that compliment your interest in other areas of life are a sure fire way to have fun programming and accelerate the learning processes. As an example lets say you’re really into piano, in order to play piano most people need sheet music. Instead of having to go out and search through the internet for sheet music and having to organize it in a folder maybe you can write a program to do it for you. It’s not as hard as it sounds, and if you’re interested, it’s that much easier due to your initial whole hearted approach.

3. Make a game:
This ones a given. You like games, they like games, hell even I like games. So why not make your own? You’ve probably had ideas for games but never the tools to bring these to fruition. Making a game is relatively easy across a broad spectrum of programming languages, many have their own game libraries (like pythons pygame module). My advice is start out simple because simple, elegant, games can be just as fun as any self respecting xbox360 game (chess for example). This area really allows you to stretch your creative muscles as well; although opinion may differ, programming is an art form and like any other requires a certain amount of creative thinking to be successful.

4. Make an IRC bot:
Definition (wiki): “An IRC bot is a set of scripts or an independent program that connects to Internet Relay Chat as a client, and so appears to other IRC users as another user. An IRC bot differs from a regular client in that instead of providing interactive access to IRC for a human user, it performs automated functions.”
Both making an IRC bot and spending time on IRC are great ways for a beginner to evolve as a programmer while having loads of fun. If you’ve never heard of IRC before, it’s basically a place (chat client/server model) where many people knowledgeable in computers/networking/security (and many other areas as well) like to hang out. By using IRC you’re exposing yourself to a plethora of expert knowledge.. Given that you try not to seem like an idiot of course. An IRC bot is like any other user of IRC except they’re not human. An IRC bot takes commands/conditions and responds accordingly; you’ve probably seen bots at work before, they’re the ones that automatically ban fruit hats who think spamming is cool.

5. Make it personal/make your life easier:
One of the easiest ways to ensure you remain interested and have fun in programming is by taking tedious tasks you perform often, and automating them. By doing this you are making your life easier and programming will undoubtedly earn your respect. Say for example you usually rename your downloaded files in a specified directory every other Wednesday according to a preferred system (perhaps a file like “epic movie.avi” will be renamed “epic_mov45.avi”). Usually this might take you anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes (or more) depending on how many files you’ve downloaded in the last two weeks, however after making a program to automate this task it will take less than a second!

6. Develop for other people:
Making programs for people other than yourself often rewards us with a sense of importance. Not only does it feel good to write software that other people use, you will gain many valuable programming related skills such as version control and writing program documentation. This is a great chance to get real world experience. Perhaps you can find a local non profit organization that would welcome programmers willing to work for no charge; maybe it would make your friends, family, or collogues lives easier if you automated a task for them. If you’re interested in working with other people, you might even want to check out preexisting open source projects. The experience will be rich and exciting, especially the first time you try it.

7. Have a robot do your math homework:
Okay maybe not a robot with moving arms, but you can still write programs that automate an extensive portion of the work you have to do assuming you’re a high school student. Teachers have a tendency to assign a crap load of homework and somehow retain the ability of teaching nothing at the same time. Obviously it would be beneficial for you to write programs that solve trivial homework stuff such as formulas so you can spend more time learning real math elsewhere.

8. Choose a fun programming language:
This one’s a little ticky; there’s no hard and fast rule as to which programming language is the most fun or even more fun than others. However there are certainly programming languages which are hardly fun at all! So in this case I will Simply list a few of the languages I’ve heard are pretty fun:

Python (I use this one myself)
Before you begin learning a language seriously, it’s essential that you choose a language you’re going to enjoy for the long haul (because it could take months or years before you “really” learn it). This helps ensure that you remain interested and experience minimal frustration.

9. Make a virus:
Alright this one might be the reason you wanted to learn programming in the first place. Everyone has a bit of a dark side, and making a virus can be a really fun way of expressing it. If you choose to make a virus you should know that it’s illegal to test it on any system other than your own (using virtual machines are a great idea for this) and you really shouldn’t have any malicious intents either. Writing viruses are illustrative in the sense that you will closely be working with your targeted operating system and the system library for your language (many have one). I suggest that you don’t attempt this one if you’re not smart/stable enough to be responsible for your actions, otherwise you’re going to be sorry.

10. Project Euler:
Last but certainly not least is Project Euler! I personally find this to be one of the funniest ways to apply my programming skills above all else. Project Euler is a website that poses problems that you must solve using any programming language (or even paper and pencil if you’re up to it) and a bit of math know how. Project Euler can be frustrating at first (especially if you’re not a very experienced programmer or you lack in math ability) however if you press forward I can guarantee the rewards you earn will outweigh any and all frustration you come to face. After solving a respectable amount of problems (~25) you will probably be an exceptionally better programming (and even math). You don’t have to take my word for it though, check out and remember to have fun :}


Exploit Writing

Writing exploits is considered difficult and something that requires a great deal of effort. I had this similar notion in mind; which was unfortunately what people kept telling me. Things like you need to know how to code really well, u need to know in-depth assembly blah blah blah…Not very true..Read on…

How difficult is it ?
Well the basic prequisites would be to know a bit of coding, dont get scared just the basic stuff. Pick one of the scripting languages like Perl or Python coz they’r really easy. You need to get some understanding of x86 memory architecture: heap,stack,registers etc. Most exploits are targeted at Windows as most of the bugs that researchers find exist in Windows. So check out windows memory internals also. Having knowledge of assembly language is certainly a plus but you will pick it up IMO when you start writing exploits. Also ensure you have a proper understanding of Buffer Overflows in general. Read Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit by Aleph One ( which appeared in Phrack Magazine Issue 49, although old is still one of the best resources out there.

Why write exploits ?
You’r conducting a pen-test or you’r a security researcher and you need to reliably exploit a particular vulnerability you have found. Publically available exploits may not be properly coded. Most exploits for example use return addresses and these addresses differ from one OS/service pack to another. So you cant just fire away a public exploit and crash your client’s servers. Making your own exploit also means that you can embed your own choice of payload (Msfpayload in Metasploit helps here)

Lab requirements ?
Ideally my choice would be to have a Linux based machine such as Back-Track (attacker) with a text editor and ur language of choice installed. The victim machine (for remote exploits) can be a virtual machine running windows in VMware,VirtualBox etc. You may need to write local exploits on the victim machine so perl/python etc may have be installed there as well. You will also need Debuggers (Olly or Immunity dbg’s are the best) and the vulnerable software installed. Your final exploit is just basically a long string so once you become a pro all you really need is a text editor to make that string.

How to learn ?
There is a lot of stuff now on the Internet. It wasnt the case earlier but many researchers have published tutorials,videos etc on how to write reliable exploits using various techniques. One of the best places you can start is to look at corelanc0d3r’s blog on writing exploits :’s very detailed and presented really simple. Anybody can pick this up. But the important thing is you get your hands dirty by checking out all the stuff on your own. Another resource on the internet is the exploit writing class videos by Dino Dai Zovi : Dino is a well know researcher and his video is pretty basic and is a good place to start for beginners. There are also many videos avaliable on Securitytube : It’s a site started by Vivek Ramachandran and has loads of info on Assembly,buffer overflows primers etc and lots of other info-sec related topics. This by no means are the complete set of resources available on the internet. Google and you’ll find a ton of info on writing exploits.

What Courses ?
Offensive security’s OSCP course is really a great course but only covers a small portion on how to write exploits.
They do have advanced courses so check that out too:
What to read ?

Finally do some reading. The Shellcoder’s handbook is a really good book so check it out. Others include : Hacking – The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition ,The Art of Assembly Language by Randall Hyde, Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery by Michael Sutton etc.

I hope this info has helped…if your a n00b at writing exploits this should help you fight your way to writing
exploits on your own. So all the best !


Strategic Scanning and Assessments of Remote Hosts (SSARH)

Strategic Scanning and Assessments of Remote Hosts (SSARH)
Born on: 06.14.99
[Unix File]


This paper is being written for security administrators in hopes that they
will be able to notice security flaws in their networks and systems. Be it known that
this paper is NOT a hacking text and we will not go into the topic of compromise, but
this will show our target audience how to begin a strategic attack on a remote host.
We will cover basic assessment techniques involving open ports, RPC Services, open mount points,
and various ways to 'gain' information on your target before the actual attempt at compromise.


I guess we need to get the obvious out of the way. Why attack a remote host is the first question you
should ask yourself (out of boredom is not a valid reason). I could probably go on and on about this but what
im trying to get you to ask yourself is 'IS IT WORTH COMPROMISING'? You need to look at the long term not the
short term affect. Gaining remote access to a government box or a 'high profile site' will carry some heavy penalties
if you are caught. So lets all think before we compromise.... ok? Be intelligent about your decisions please.
All examples given in this paper should be tested on a local network with permission from the powers that be.


Once you have found a remote host (target) that you would like to learn more about you are ready to move on.
Before we proceed with any technical information first let me define two types of attacks. A Passive attack is an
attack that does not 'touch' a targets network directly so you are not committed to follow through with the compromise
at that time. The next definition is the Active attack which does 'touch' the system and there is a very good
possibility that your tracks will be left in the logs therefore, you are then commited to following through with the
compromise to ensure that you are not found. Now lets move on to the more technical side of this file. First, I would
suggest checking out their webpage and snoop around to see if you can find any of the following:

1. Email addresses usually found at the bottom of a webpage as a contact.
2. Look for the 'OS' stamp on a webpage. Many admins/owners like to
display their love for their Operating System with little graphics such as 'Run on Linux',
'FreeBsd', 'Apache', 'IIS'..etc..etc
3. Does their website look 'professional'?
4. Do they provide any information about their network setup? (Yes, some are stupid enough
to provide network maps online.. duh!)
5. Do they provide an online X.500 query gateway online? This is where you can look up
email address's, phone numbers, and other various information about the users/employees of
the company, organization, and the server.
6. Do they provide an online telephone directory in which you type in
names of people and get phone numbers and locations (which is great for Social Engineering) or
7. Anything else that would benefit in learning more about the remote host.

-Now that we have scanned over the web pages of a potential target we can then proceed
into the next phase of information gathering. Write down all of your notes on a piece of paper
or print them from file but I encourage you to never save these files to disk. If you do intend
to save these files to disk please make sure that you use the proper means to keep this
information secure (encryption). Now, lets take a look at the finger command.
The finger displays information about the system users. You can use this information for
login names for the system which is of great value when gathering information.
Here is an example of some output displayed when the finger command is envoked.

$ finger (Active Attack)

Login Name TTY Idle When Where
root Super-User pts/0

$ finger -l

Login name: root In real life: Super-User
Directory: / Shell: /bin/csh
Last login Mon Jul 19 13:42 on pts/0
No unread mail
No Plan.

-We see that including the '-l' flag will give us additional information about the users on
the target host.

-Now lets try placing a number before the '@' sign

$ finger

Login Name TTY Idle When Where
daemon ??? 04:51
bin ??? 05:45
sys ??? 08:54
RDoe ??? 04:34

$ finger -l

Login name: daemon
Directory: /
Never logged in.
No unread mail
No Plan.

Login name: bin
Directory: /usr/bin
Never logged in.
No unread mail
No Plan.

Login name: sys
Directory: /
Never logged in.
No unread mail
No Plan.

Login name: RDoe
Directory: /export/home/RDoe Shell: /bin/csh
Never logged in.
No unread mail
No Plan.

-Again, we see that adding the '-l' flag returns more data about the particular users of
the target host. Note that finger attempts may be logged in /var/log/messages (in Linux) and especially
if they have an IDS installed. A sample log would look similiar to the following:
Aug 2 05:21:25 erudite tcplog: finger connection attempt from
Also, finger runs on port 79/TCP and if the target host is not running the finger daemon then you will
not be able to use the finger query remotely to gather the information discussed above.

-We now have an easier account to compromise if we wish to do so. A users password will usually
be easier to compromise than a root password because many users do not know the importance of
an obscure password. The reason we obtain this information is because the finger command does
a pattern match on the number '4' and by process of elimination I would tend to guess that the
number '4' appears in the time field. You could also do the same thing with characters such as
the letter 'a' for example. So now that we have built up even more information about our target
host, lets dig deeper into the system and gather even more data.

-Next, lets look at the nslookup command and see if we can dig up even further information
on our target host. Nslookup is a program to query Internet domain name servers. Nslookup
has two modes: interactive and non-interactive. Interactive mode allows the user to query
name servers for information about various hosts and domains or to print a list of hosts in a
domain. Non-interactive mode is used to print just the name and requested information for a
host or domain. Here we will show examples of interactive and non-interactive modes.

$ nslookup (Passive Attack)


Non-authoritative answer:

-In Non-interactive mode we simply do [nslookup [target host]] and are returned with the name
of the host and its designated IP address. The following is a demonstration of Interactive
mode and its associated flags.

A the host's Internet address.

CNAME the canonical name for an alias.

HINFO the host CPU and operating system type.

MINFO the mailbox or mail list information.

MX the mail exchanger.

NS the name server for the named zone.

PTR the host name if the query is an Internet ad-
dress; otherwise, the pointer to other infor-

SOA the domain's ``start-of-authority'' informa-

TXT the text information.

UINFO the user information.

WKS the supported well-known services.

-To execute nslookup in Interactive mode using the above flags, do the following:

1. Type the command nslookup

$ nslookup

Default Server:


2. Set your flags by using [set type=[flag]]

> set type=mx [Here we are using the 'MX' flag or the 'Mail Exchanger' flag]

3. Type in the target hostname [i.e.]



Non-authoritative answer: preference = 10, mail exchanger =

Authoritative answers can be found from: nameserver = nameserver = internet address = internet address = internet address =

-Look at all this information we receive! We now know the nameserver this target uses, their
upstream provider, and the name of their mail server. As an exercise, try setting the type to
'any' by using the following syntax [set type=any]. See how much 'more' information you can
extract from each and every flag.

-We can now move on to the DiG command or Domain Information Groper. The DiG command is used similarly
to the nslookup command as both send domain name query packets to nameservers. Here we will show you an
example of simple interactive mode which may give you similar data that you had obtained using the nslookup
command, but DiG may return the slightly different data in a slightly different format. To use DiG, issue the
command as follows [dig []]:

$ dig (Passive Attack)

; <<>> DiG 8.1 <<>>
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 6
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 2
;;, type = A, class = IN

;; ANSWER SECTION: 9h51m25s IN A

;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 8h53m50s IN NS 8h53m50s IN NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 9h51m25s IN A 9h51m25s IN A

;; Total query time: 37 msec
;; FROM: yourmachinename to SERVER: default --
;; WHEN: Mon Aug 2 05:25:16 1999
;; MSG SIZE sent: 28 rcvd: 119

-The only new information we get is the web URL for the upstream provider of this particular target machine.
Also, if you look closer you will see that various times are reported also as is the indication that the target
is an internet domain class. I am partial to nslookup due to the functionality and ease of use.
[man dig for more options regarding the DiG command]

-We will now move on to the whois command which is the TCP/IP Internet user name directory service.
whois searches for an TCP/IP directory entry for an identifier. You can obtain a considerable amount of
information using this simple command. For this command, use the following syntax [whois [target host]]:

$ whois (Passive Attack)

0000 Junk Street
Lost Wages, WA 00000

Domain Name: TARGET.COM

Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
wah, chung (LC0000) somepoorsoul@TARGET.COM
000-000-0000 (FAX) private
Billing Contact:
wah, chung (LC0000) somepoorsoul@TARGET.COM
000-000-0000 (FAX) private

Record last updated on 12-Apr-99.
Record created on 12-Feb-99.
Database last updated on 2-Aug-99 04:09:46 EDT.

Domain servers in listed order:


-We now have a technical contact with name, email address, phone number, and sometimes fax number when it is not
marked 'private'. The technical contact and number can be of great use when social engineering. Take this time
to put all of the information we have thus far on a sheet of paper and you will see that we know a lot about this
target host now, but in a few moments we will learn a great deal more as we now lead you into the rpcinfo command.

-The rpcinfo command reports RPC information on a particular host. rpcinfo makes an RPC call to an RPC server and
reports what it finds. Many RPC services are vulnerable to a number of different attacks. Take the ttdbserver exploit
for instance, due to a bug in the source we could write and manipulate any file on the server it is running on remotely
because this particular program is run as 'root'. If the portmapper is not running on the remote target host then we
should receive something along the lines of 'rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC: Remote system error - Connection refused'. The
reason we receive this error is because we are trying to get a listing of RPC services via the portmapper which isn't running
on this particular host. If we do successfully contact the portmapper we should get an output as follows. To use the
rpcinfo command we would use the following syntax [rpcinfo -p [target host]]:

$ rpcinfo -p (Active Attack)

program vers proto port
100000 3 udp 111 portmapper
100000 2 udp 111 portmapper
100000 3 tcp 111 portmapper
100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper
100003 2 udp 2049 nfs
100003 3 udp 2049 nfs
100024 1 udp 808 status
100024 1 tcp 810 status
100021 1 udp 2049 nlockmgr
100021 3 udp 2049 nlockmgr
100021 4 udp 2049 nlockmgr
100021 1 tcp 2049 nlockmgr
100021 3 tcp 2049 nlockmgr
100021 4 tcp 2049 nlockmgr
100005 1 tcp 1058 mountd
100005 1 udp 1036 mountd
391004 1 tcp 1063
391004 1 udp 1037
100001 1 udp 1038 rstatd
100001 2 udp 1038 rstatd
100001 3 udp 1038 rstatd
100000 3 udp 111 portmapper
100000 2 udp 111 portmapper
100000 3 tcp 111 portmapper
100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper
100003 2 udp 2049 nfs
100003 3 udp 2049 nfs
100024 1 udp 808 status
100024 1 tcp 810 status
100021 1 udp 2049 nlockmgr
100021 3 udp 2049 nlockmgr
100021 4 udp 2049 nlockmgr
100021 1 tcp 2049 nlockmgr
100021 3 tcp 2049 nlockmgr
100021 4 tcp 2049 nlockmgr
100005 1 tcp 1058 mountd
100005 1 udp 1036 mountd
391004 1 tcp 1063
391004 1 udp 1037
100001 1 udp 1038 rstatd
100001 2 udp 1038 rstatd
100001 3 udp 1038 rstatd
391002 1 tcp 1070
100083 1 tcp 1073

-I won't go into all the technical details here, but the listing shown here would be a goldmine for any hacker.
We see above that program '100083' is running, but the service isn't listed. The ttdbserver runs as program
'100083' so we could have a vulnerable system on our hands. There are several other things to check here such as
nfs, nlock, mountd, and rstatd. We will not go into how to exploit these services, but we want to teach you how to
compile information on a remote target for a well-thought-out, calculated, time-sensitive audit.

-We will now move on to open mount points or better known as an exported list. Showmount shows mount information for
an NFS server. showmount queries the mount daemon on a remote host for information about the state of
the NFS server on that machine. If you do not include an option with the showmount command you will receive a list
of clients who are mounting from that host. We usually use the '-e' option which is the 'export option' and is a great
way to find 'anonymous' mounting permissions on remote hosts. To use the showmount command with the 'export option' use the
following syntax [showmount -e [target host]]. Note that if the mountd daemon is not listed in the RPC services we will not
be able to use showmount on that particular target host:

$ showmount -e (Active Attack)

Export list for
/ (anonymous)

-As you can see that the root directory or '/' is allowed to be mounted by anybody with a connection to the internet and
a *NIX box. This is probably due to a misconfigured NFS server. All we would need to do is mount this system and we would
have full control to edit the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files not to mention any other file on this particular target
host. As an exercise, on your own system, try mounting an anonymous exported listing by using the following command:

$ mount -t nfs /mnt

-This will give you full control over your own box anonymously. Now perform the command [cd /mnt] and you should be in
your boxs' root directory. Now perform the following command [ls -al]. If all went according to plan you should see a
listing of the files and directories in the root directory. There are several other tasks we could accomplish once inside
but, we will leave that up to the imagination of the reader.

-Now lets take a look at a traceroute to the target host. Traceroute prints the route packets take to a network host.
This will also alert us to any firewalls that stand in our way to the target host (usually indicated with a '*').
Note that the only mandatory parameter is the destination host name or IP number. The default probe datagram length
is 38 bytes, but this may be increased by specifying a packet size (in bytes) after the destination host name.
To initialize a traceroute use the following syntax as well as the man pages [traceroute [target host]]

$ traceroute (Active Attack)

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ( 0.791 ms 0.703 ms 0.704 ms
2 ( 0.592 ms 0.551 ms 0.405 ms
3 ( 1.422 ms 1.020 ms 1.349
4 ( 51.923 ms 52.127 ms 69.832 ms
5 ( 75.446 ms 66.744 ms 71.79
1 ms
6 ( 79.978 ms 79.756 ms 77.
974 ms
7 ( 69.804 ms 82.369 ms 81.
144 ms
8 ( 86.819 ms 78.657 ms 52
.745 ms
9 ( 40.033 ms 63.228 ms 6
8.938 ms
10 ( 78.620 ms 86.860 ms 98
.448 ms
11 500.Hssi11-1-0.GW1.ATL1.ALTER.NET ( 105.357 ms 89.566 ms 11
6.460 ms
12 104.ATM3-0.XR2.ATL1.ALTER.NET ( 121.399 ms 106.549 ms 139.
801 ms
13 294.ATM3-0.TR2.ATL1.ALTER.NET ( 124.997 ms 129.528 ms 110
.989 ms
14 109.ATM6-0.TR2.LAX2.ALTER.NET ( 201.188 ms 159.915 ms 215.
266 ms
15 198.ATM7-0.XR2.LAX2.ALTER.NET ( 185.642 ms 142.192 ms 140
.496 ms
16 194.ATM9-0-0.GW1.PHX1.ALTER.NET ( 158.889 ms 148.169 ms 1
37.867 ms
17 yourtargetsupstream-gw.customer.ALTER.NET ( 153.436 ms 94.951 ms 140.0
85 ms
18 * * *
19 * * *

-As you can see from this traceroute data that we are looking at a box that resides somewhere in the Phoenix
Arizona area and most likely has some sort of packet filtering device before we reach our remote target indicated
by the '* * *'(hops 18 & 19). We also get information of what 'path' we take to get to our desired target host along with
the hop number for each path taken. Sometimes it may be easier to compromise an upstream and sniff the traffic to compromise
the target host. We can get away with a 'full' traceroute by using a technique known as 'Firewalking' (
Firewalking is a technique developed by MDS and DHG that employs traceroute-like techniques to analyze IP packet responses to
determine gateway ACL filters and map networks. Firewalk the tool employs the technique to determine the filter rules
in place on a packet forwarding device. Also, we will be discussing spoofed packets to 'pierce' firewalls as a means to
portscan a machine on an internal network.

-For the remainder of this file we will be discussing portscanning. Portscanning has become one of the key auditing and
recon techniques amongst hackers today. There are a variety of portscanning utilities on the internet ranging from your
basic sequential portscanner to scanners that will bounce scans off of other hosts as an attempt to hide the origination of the scan.
The scanner that will be used in this file is a very versitile scanner called Nmap ( Nmap is a utility
for network exploration or security auditing. It supports ping scanning (determine which hosts are up), many port scanning
techniques (determine what services the hosts are offering), and TCP/IP fingerprinting (remote host operating system
identification). Nmap also offers flexible target and port specification, decoy scanning, determination of TCP sequence
predictability characteristics, reverse-identd scanning, and more (try [man nmap] for more details). Lets take a look
at some of the flags we can use with Nmap along with the data that we obtain with each flag. First try just typing in the
command 'nmap' so you can see how to use the application.

nmap V. 2.12 usage: nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] [host or net #1 ... [#N]]

-Here we have version number of the program and its usage.

-sT TCP connect() scan: This is the most basic form of
TCP scanning. Establishes a full TCP connection with each port.
Considered to be a "noisy" scan because it leaves a lot of evidence
in the logs.

$ nmap -sT (Active Attack)

Starting nmap V. 2.12 by Fyodor (,
Interesting ports on (
Port State Protocol Service
1 open tcp tcpmux
11 open tcp systat
15 open tcp netstat
22 open tcp ssh
25 open tcp smtp
79 open tcp finger
80 open tcp http
110 open tcp pop-3
113 open tcp auth
119 open tcp nntp
143 open tcp imap2
443 open tcp https
515 open tcp printer
540 open tcp uucp
2000 open tcp callbook
6667 open tcp irc
12345 open tcp NetBus

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 15 seconds

-The output that we receive from the TCP scan is very interesting yet, will be very noisey in the logs. Any clued admin
will see this as an attempt to gather information for a future attempt at compromise. Seeing that we are doing an assessment,
this method will suffice and does a wonderful job at identifying open ports. We also receive a confirmation that Nmap has
completed its run along with how many IP address's it scanned and how fast it scanned them. Before we continue on to the other
features of Nmap lets assess this situation and make some sense of what we have here as far as data is concerned. There are
several services that could be vulnerable to outside attack but, it is up to you to determine which services are vulnerable
and how to compromise each particular service. Lets take smtp (port 25) for instance, we need to determine what mail service
this target host is running and which version of that particular package they are running. To do this, simply telnet to that
port and read its header using the following command [telnet [target host] [port]]:

$ telnet 25 (Active Attack)

220 ESMTP Sendmail 9.1.12a/9.1.12a/punk-beta; Tue, 10 Aug 1999 08:44:03 -0700

-As you can see here this admin was clever enough to 'spoof' the version of Sendmail he is running. He did this by editing
the config file for Sendmail which (when done properly) can hide the version number which is a key element for attacking this
particular service for many versions of Sendmail are exploitable remotely to gain root access. Again, remember to make note
of each header and its respected data for they are valuble parts that make up this entire 'puzzle'. While we are on the
smtp service try out the help command by simply typing 'help'.


214-This is Sendmail version 9.1.12a
214-For more info use "HELP ".
214-To report bugs in the implementation send email to
214-For local information send email to Postmaster at your site.
214 End of HELP info

-You can now try different commands listed in the topics area. Try [HELP [topic]] to see further help on a particular topic.
For an exercise, try doing a 'verify' (VRFY) on one of the users on the system, try root. We will let you figure the command out
on your own so that you get into the 'learn it on your own' frame of mind. Remember, when you are trying these exercises out
please do them on your own system or have the permission of the owner before you try any of these commands out.

-Now that we have gone over a brief description of the TCP scan lets move on to a more 'stealthy' way of scanning a remote

-sS TCP SYN scan: This technique is often referred to
as "half-open" scanning, because you don't open a
full TCP connection.

1. Sends SYN packet as if establishing a 3-way handshake
2. Waits for SYN/ACK from destination
If SYN/ACK is received then the port is open
If RST (reset) is received then the port is closed
3. Rather than send ACK to establish connection, immediatley RST (reset) to
close connection.

$ nmap -sS

Starting nmap V. 2.12 by Fyodor (,
Interesting ports on (
Port State Protocol Service
1 open tcp tcpmux
11 open tcp systat
15 open tcp netstat
22 open tcp ssh
25 open tcp smtp
79 open tcp finger
80 open tcp http
110 open tcp pop-3
113 open tcp auth
119 open tcp nntp
143 open tcp imap2
443 open tcp https
515 open tcp printer
540 open tcp uucp
2000 open tcp callbook
6667 open tcp irc
12345 open tcp NetBus

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 17 seconds

-Here we have the same ports open as before but, this time the identity of the account scanning this host is not given away.
The reason this happens is because we never establish a full connection or 'Three-way handshake'. As soon as the SYN/ACK
is received from the destination, rather than send an ACK to establish a connection we immediatley send a RST or 'reset' to
close the connection therefore, the identity is never known (this is assuming that the target host is not running any
extended logging features).

-Now we have a pretty good understanding of what services are running on this particular target host. Now, lets take a look
at OS detection and the concepts of OS Fingerprinting. There is a great paper on OS Fingerprinting by Fyodor at In this example we will show you how to use Nmap
to detect the OS of our remote target.

-O This option activates remote host identification
via TCP/IP fingerprinting.
1) Takes advantage of nuances found in each OS's TCP/IP stack to determine what OS
that remote host is running.
2) Sends specifically crafted packets to a host.
3) This information is used to generate a "fingerprint" which is then used to match
from a database of known OS fingerprints.

$ nmap -O

Starting nmap V. 2.12 by Fyodor (,
Interesting ports on localhost (
Port State Protocol Service
1 open tcp tcpmux
11 open tcp systat
15 open tcp netstat
21 open tcp ftp
22 open tcp ssh
25 open tcp smtp
79 open tcp finger
80 open tcp http
110 open tcp pop-3
113 open tcp auth
119 open tcp nntp
143 open tcp imap2
443 open tcp https
515 open tcp printer
540 open tcp uucp
2000 open tcp callbook
6667 open tcp irc
12345 open tcp NetBus

TCP Sequence Prediction: Class=truly random
Difficulty=9999999 (Good luck!)
Remote operating system guess: Linux 2.0.32-34

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 15 seconds

-The output of data that we see here are the same services as the previous examples except that we now know the OS of
the remote target. This target is running Linux 2.0.32-34 and the TCP Sequence Prediction for Trusted Relationship
Exploitation or any other HiJacking method is truly random and would be VERY difficult to predict the sequence. Now if
we must use a script to compromise we now know what operating system we are looking at.

-The final two scans we will discuss briefly are Ping Scanning and UDP Scanning. TCP Ping Scanning is used to determine
which hosts are up on a network. UDP scanning is a method used to determine which UDP (User Datagram Protocol, RFC 768) ports
are open on a host. UDP scanning takes longer due to RFC 1812 section and its limiting the ICMP error message rate.

-PT Use TCP "ping" to determine what hosts are up.
Instead of sending ICMP echo request packets and
waiting for a response, we send out TCP ACK packets
throughout the target network (or to a single
machine) and then wait for responses to return
Hosts that are up should respond with a RST.
* To set the destination port:
* The default port is 80

-sU UDP scans: This method is used to determine which
UDP (User Datagram Protocol, RFC 768) ports are
open on a host. Sends a 0 byte UDP packet to each port on the
target machine. If we receive an ICMP port unreachable message, then
the port is closed.
Some services that may be found with UDP scanning:
*BO cDc's backdoor program that hides on a configurable UDP port on Win machines
*and others...

-We won't be showing output from these scans. Rather, we ask you to perform the above flags
as an exercise for yourself. Now that you have completed this basic auditing paper you should
take all the information learned here and apply it to one conclusive paper and then begin your


In conclusion, we have discussed the basics to auditing a remote host or target host.
Knowing the security of your own network is key to being able to defend your network from
malicious intent. The techniques described here are basic techniques used to gather information
on the remote target before compromise. Look for further papers from the ATTRITION staff on
Penetration and Auditing of systems.


Nmap Security Scanner:
Whitepapers & Publications:
Security Focus:
Packet Factory (Firewalk):


Email all Contributions/Suggestions/Feedback to


The following individuals helped in either review, technical input, or in some other fashion.

Brian Martin, Dale Coddington, Jay D. Dyson, and Jeremy Rauch
(c) copyright 1998, 1999 Karl Lynn

reference :

Hack a Mobile Phone with Linux and Python

Managed to breath life back into my old hand-me-down Nokia N70. The phone was having White Screen of Death (WSOD) one too many, a new display IC fixed that. The original nokia battery (Nokia BL-5C) started to swell and needed to be replace.

Now the old war horse is battle ready, let me hook it up to my laptop via a bluetooth link and do something useful with Python on S60 series.
$ hciconfig reset hci0:

Type: USB

BD Address: 00:21:86:A8:BF:03

ACL MTU: 310:10

SCO MTU: 64:8


RX bytes:1260 acl:0 sco:0 events:34 errors:0

$ hcitool dev

Devices: hci0 00:21:86:A8:BF:03

$ sdptool add --channel=2 SP

Serial Port service registered

# Now make sure the Python bluetooth console is running

$ rfcomm listen rfcomm2 2 In your phone,

make sure bluetooth is on,

then go to the Python application and then select the Bluetooth Console.

Select from the list of available devices your computer's bluetooth adapter (you might need to select search even if you think you have already defined the pairing).

If the operation is successful, you should see something similar to the following on your computer's shell:

* Waiting for connection on channel 2
* Connection from 00:11:9F:BE:47:CA to /dev/rfcomm2
* Press CTRL-C for hangup

# Change to different terminal and connect to the device with screen.

$ screen /dev/rfcomm2

# Run basic tests.
print u"hello"




import appuifw >>>

appuifw.note(u"hello world")


This Python S60 Bluetooth Console wiki page provides more step by step intrusions of the whole process.

reference :

well. too long im not update my blog. now i will update again with my tool, my tool called with

this tool for cheking md5 from web

this my c0de:
#This tool just for crack your md5 password
#This application not stable in regex
#programmer : kiddies A.k.A peneter
#email :
#blog :
#thanks : mywisdom, gunslinger, jimmyromanticdevil, 5ynl0rd(my masta) and you
#community : devilzc0de, anti-jasakom, jasakom, echo, codecall, leetcoder and all
#special thanks for you honey vera. love you

import urllib2, urllib, re, time
import sys, os

if sys.platform == 'linux-1386' or sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'darwin':
SysCls = 'clear'
SysCls = 'cls'

print '''
# DDDDD iii lll 00000 dd #
# DD DD eee vv vv lll zzzzz cccc 00 00 dd eee #
# DD DD ee e vv vv iii lll zz cc 00 00 dddddd ee e #
# DD DD eeeee vvv iii lll zz cc 00 00 dd dd eeeee #
# DDDDDD eeeee v iii lll zzzzz ccccc 00000 dddddd eeeee #
# #
# #
# This Tool for cracking MD5 password #
# Programmer : kiddies A.k.A peneter Devilzc0de BlackHat Edition #
hash_crack = raw_input('input your hash : ')
url = '' + hash_crack
params = {'hash':hash_crack}
enc = urllib.urlencode(params)
opening = urllib2.urlopen(url, enc)

page =

result ='', page)



my tool have a bug in regex. if yopu can fix this problem please contact me in my email thanks